Applicant Testing Application Fix Revenue Sharing Act

Judicial review of Act No.71/PUU-IX/2011 is entering the second trial to improve requests, Friday (11/11). Act No. 33 of 2004 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government against the Constitution of 1945 filed by the Assembly of People’s Unity of East Kalimantan and several members of the DPD this time the Panel is chaired by Judge Ahmad Fadil Sumadi.

Petitioner’s Attorney, AH. Wakil Kamal got a chance to explain where improvement petition. He said, made an improvement over the legal standing (the right to sue) the Petitioners. In a previous trial, continued Kamal, the Panel recommends that the Applicant should be an individual as a citizen of East Kalimantan. Against the judge’s suggestion, Kamal said it would actually make the DPD as an individual who is a resident of East Kalimantan.

In addition, Kamal also said it also made changes to the petition on the advice of the Panel on the previous trial. "In principle in this petition that the division provided for in Article 14 letter e and f Revenue Sharing Act, Act No. 33 of this, we consider unfair, does not provide legal certainty, there are no guarantees in the system of national economic unity as determined Article 33 of the Constitution of 1945, "Kamal said about changes in the petition. 

With that change, then change petitum Applicant requests that it reads, "Article 14 letter e and f Law. 33 of 2004 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government declared contrary to the 1945 Constitution and has no binding legal force. "

Responding to request changes made to the Petitioner, Chief Justice Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi Panel reminded that at the next session of the Petitioner presented the expert explained the financial balance. Fadlil also had time to check the evidence presented Parties to the Petitioner. Evidence presented was originally only P1-P12, but the opportunity repairs the hearing request, evidence submitted increased to P1-P25. Fadlil then validate the evidence presented Parties to the Petitioner. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh/

Friday, November 18, 2011 | 11:14 WIB 184