Potential Candidate of Election District Kampar Sues to Court

Potential Candidate Regent and Vice Regent of Kampar regency, Riau, Hardiman - Indra Putra (Applicant), sued to the Constitutional Court. The first hearing was held on Monday (31/10) in the Meeting Room of the Constitutional Court Panel. At that time, Petitioner was represented by legal counsel, namely Andi Safrani et al. 

The trial with the case number 109/PHPU-IX/2011 Panel is chaired by Constitutional Justice Achmad Sodiki. As a Related Party is Elected Candidate Pair, Jefri Noer - Ibrahim Ali. As the Respondent, is the Kampar District Election Commission? 

In the main petition, according to Andi, it objected to the Respondent’s decision stating that the applicant (spouse Hardiman - Andi) does not qualify as a candidate in the General Election of Regional Head District Kampar 2011. 

"In essence, the Commission Kampar never verify the files that we submit proof of registration," said Andi. "And, this is done systematically. Intentionally so that our rights as would a pair of candidates to put themselves forward as candidates in the way was blocked. " 

Allegations are not without reason. Andi was told at least there are four facts that support the arguments. One was the Respondent a letter dated July 30, 2011, which states that after being verified turned out most of the evidence supporting the petition is not valid or correct. However, continued Andy, Respondent never provided evidence that verification was indeed already done. 

"Until now we have never had a file verification conducted by the PPS (Voting Committee), he said. Previously, the Petitioner never asked to the Respondent. 

In fact, Andi continued, it also has sought to verify internally. It has been asked directly to his supporters if ever verified by the Election Commission, or in this PPS."Of the many internal team claimed to have never visited by the PPS." 

Not only have that, the Respondent also intentionally wanted to scuttle the Applicant. "There are instructions from the Commissioner on the existing PPS not to perform verification on file that we submitted," said Andi. 

In addition, It also has reported on the subject to the Supervisory Committee (Supervisory Committee) Election. Until the Supervisory Committee, had asked the Respondent to postpone plenary, but ultimately this request is ignored by the Respondent. "There is a tape," he said, ready to prove. 

Meanwhile, today is also ongoing trial at the State Administrative Tribunal (Administrative Court) Kampar Election-related issues. Unfortunately, said petition, the administrative court proceedings in drawling impressed. "To this day, if not wrong in Replica stage," said Andi. Finally, it was suspected, Administrative Court and the Respondent were playing around the time to gather rebuttal evidence on the lawsuit. (Dodi / mh/Yazid.tr)

Monday, October 31, 2011 | 17:16 WIB 149