Questioned the Legal Basis of Aceh Election

Stages are not in accordance with the Election of Aceh special autonomy, which is as regulated in Act No. 11/2006 on Aceh Governance (UUPA). It is also not in accordance with Qanun of regional head election. "The old Qanun is not used anymore because it has changed twice."

As stated by Mukhlis, the power of the Petitioner, the trial in the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (26/10/2011). The trial with the agenda of this preliminary investigation conducted by the Panel of Constitutional Court consists of Harjono (Panel Chair), accompanied by Mohammed Alim and Anwar Usman.

The trial for the case number 108/PHPU.D-IX/2011 about Aceh Election dispute was filed by the HTA Khalid and Fadhlullah. Khalid and Fadlullah are the Future Candidates for Governor of Aceh and Future Candidate of District Pidie. Both are candidates who depart from the path independent.

Due to the occurrence of conflict regulation on the implementation of the General Election in Aceh, the Applicant awaiting legal certainty from the President on the implementation of the General Election in Aceh. But the Independent Election Commission (KIP Aceh) to continue making stages Election petition can not followthe General Election in Aceh. "Yet according to the Law on Aceh Governance clearly stated that the elections in Aceh was based on the Qanun," Mukhlis arguments.

In the main application (petition), Khalid and  Fadlullah ask the Court to cancel  Decree KIP Aceh No. 1 of 2011 jo. Decree No.  11/2011 jo decree No.17/2011 on the stage, the program and schedule of implementation of the General Election in Aceh. Then it ordered to reschedule KIP Aceh Election by referring to recent legislation. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/

Thursday, October 27, 2011 | 13:47 WIB 122