Dispute of General Election Result of Buton District: Court Orders Re-vote

The Constitutional Court decided to grant some requests Dispute Election Results (PHPU) Buton District - Case # 91-92 / PHPU.D-IX/2011. Similarly, the Constitutional Court read out in court Achmad Sodiki Plenary Court on Wednesday (21 / 9) afternoon, which was accompanied by other constitutional judges. 

"Amar verdict, judge, refused to declare the exception of the Related Party and Related Party. In the main petition, grant the petition of the Petitioners for the most part, "said Sodiki. 

Court decided to order the Commission to conduct verification of Buton District administration and factual verification of the proposed candidates will be parties and candidates would be. 

"Ordered Election Commission, Board of Election Supervisors, Election Commission of Southeast Sulawesi, and the Election Supervisory Committee to oversee the implementation of Buton District administration and verification of factual verification would be candidates," explained the Court. 

Court held that in organizing Buton District Election 2011, Party Respondent (Buton District Election Commission) have committed serious violations of constitutional rights and society guaranteed by the Buton Regency and serious violations of the principles of the constitution regarding the election of the ‘overflow’ and ‘Jurdil’. 

In accordance with the provisions of Article 24 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states, "The judicial power is the power to conduct an independent judiciary to uphold the law and justice" and Article 28D Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states "Everyone has the right to recognition, guarantees, protection and legal certainty of fair and equal treatment before the law "which was then the provisions of the 1945 Constitution was elaborated again into the Article 45 Paragraph (1) of which states," The Constitutional Court decided the case based on the 1945 Constitution in accordance with evidence and confidence judge ". 

Provisions of these articles, according to the Court, it is necessary to restore the right of petition and Buton Regency society and ensuring the election of the ‘overflow’ and ‘Jurdil’ by repealing Decree No.33/Kpts/KPU-202 Buton Regency/ PKD / VII / 2011, on the Determination Candidate Regional Head and Deputy Head of Party General Election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of Buton Regency 2011. 

In addition the Court ordered the Respondent party to vote again Buton District Election 2011 by first verifying the administrative and factual verification tests on the proposed candidate will be a political party and independent candidates will partner. (Nano Tresna A. / mh/Yazid.tr)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 | 18:17 WIB 217