General Secretary of the Constitutional Court Gives Speech in Nagari Magek

General Secretary Janedjri M. Gaffar was representing the Chief Justice Moh. Mahfud MD gave a speech at the event Alek Nagari Batagak Pangulu, Sunday (11/9) in Nagari Magek, Agam regency, West Sumatra

After earning his customary "Angku Majo Sadeo", Chief Justice Moh. Mahfud MD was given the honor of giving a speech at the event Alek Nagari Batagak Pangulu, Sunday (11 / 9) in Nagari Magek, Agam regency, West Sumatra. On this occasion the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar attended the event representing the Chairman of the Constitutional Court is unable to attend due to performing religious pilgrimage in the Holy Land. 

Alek event is an event Nagari Batagak Pangulu Ninik Mamak appointment. On that occasion there were 41 people who became Ninik Mamak of seven tribes in Nagari Magek, District Kamangmagek, Agam regency, West Sumatra. 

Seventh tribe, the Jambak tribe pulled (15 people), Piliang tribe (14 people), Malay tribe (6 people).  They were Koto tribe (2 people), Sikumbang tribe (2 people), Tanjung Tribe (1 person), and Bicu tribe (1 person). The procession carried out by the Chairman of the inaugural Indigenous Density Nagari (KAN) Nagari Magek, Z. Nan Datuak Beco. 

Common Law 

In remarks read by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Janedjri, declared the existence of customary law and indigenous peoples such as those found in Minangkabau receive recognition and protection of the Constitution of Indonesia. 

Janedjri stated that according to Mahfud that the recognition and protection can be seen in two aspects. First, the recognition in the establishment of local governance. Second, recognition of traditional rights of indigenous peoples as constitutional rights (human rights). 

Recognition of the first confirmed in Article 18 paragraph B (2) of the 1945 Constitution. The article reads, "The State recognizes and respects the unity-unity of indigenous peoples and traditional rights of all are still alive and in accordance with the development community and the principle of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, which is regulated by law.". 

Furthermore, Janedjri read that in accordance with the Constitutional mandate, the state must recognize and protect the unity of community law and customary rights in the villages-villages in Minangkabau. Because the event proved Alek Nagari Batagak Pangulu Minangkabau adat law community unit is still alive and should be recognized and protected. "Our current activity is one proof that the unity of indigenous people in Minangkabau in general, in Nagari Magek in particular, is still alive," said Mahfud represented Jenedjri read speech. 

Associated with the presence or panghulu ninik mamak, mamak ninik is the traditional law enforcement. For that Mahfud asked the mamak ninik to seantiasa be an example for the community in complying with laws and maintaining customary lands. 

The event lasted two days, 10-11 September 2011, also attended by local officials, among others, the Governor of West Sumatra (Irwan Prayitno), Regent Agam (Indra catri), and the Mayor of Bukittinggi (Ismet Amzis). (Yusti Nurul Agustin/mh/

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | 15:26 WIB 265