Dispute over Election Result of Tambrauw District: Applicant Requested Re-Election.

Attorney Applicant a preliminary examination of the case of dispute over election result of Tambrauw district on Case 89 and 90/PHPU.D-IX/2011- held on Thursday (8 / 9) afternoon in the courtroom of the Panel of the Constitutional Court (MK)

Dispute over Election Result case preliminary hearing on Case 89 and 90/PHPU.D-IX/2011 of Tambrauw District held on Thursday (8 / 9) afternoon in the courtroom of the Panel of the Constitutional Court (MK). Petitioner is Manasseh Paa, Paskalis Baru, Petrus P. Yembra and Erick Mayor. While the panel of judges consisting of Achmad Sodiki (Chairman), and Ahmad Fadlil Harjono Sumadi.

According to the Petitioner stated Respondent Parties have committed fraud, breach of a systematic and structured, as well as the massive inflation of the sound by manipulating the voters list (DPT), which is more than the total population. Not all residents have the right to vote and turnout in more than the total population.

In addition, says Petitioner, the Respondent also violated the very basic voting takes place outside the schedule specified in the SK No.25A Respondent, dated June 27, 2011 on the Determination of Public Holidays. The vote is not carried out simultaneously in all the polling districts Tambrauw on the appointed day, July 20, 2011.

"The vote in the seven districts was held on July 2, 2011. Six villages in the district Fef held July 23, 2011. Five villages in the District Syujak held July 23, 2011. In addition, 10 villages in the District Miyah held July 23 and July 24, 2011. Also, 10 villages in the District Kwor held on July 20, 2011, "explained the Petitioner to the Council of Judges.

Petitioner also argues that there has been a breach of procedure in the presence of illegal candidates participated in Election District Tambrauw 2011. No. Candidates are couples. Sort 4, Gerson Jitmau-Anton is not in the Decree of the Establishment Candidate and Vice Regent Tambrauw 2011; No.17/KPTS/KPUKAP.TMB/033.680764/2011 dated May 2, 2011. However, the candidate sequence number 4 is, can still follow.

In addition, the applicant assumed during the election there has been a deprivation of political rights Moraid District community, intimidation, dropping in the District Election logistics Kebar, Mubrani, Amberbaken, Senopi, performed by members of the Commission or the Respondent, which abandoned his voice box in the district Kebar , while the voice mail is inserted into a plastic bag and taken to the district and Mubrani Amberbaken.

"Ballot papers were pierced by KPPS. The transfer of votes to other candidates and Plenary Recapitulation Candidate Determination on August 6, 2011 is not complete, ie Moraid District did not participate. It is obvious that the District Election Tambrauw West Papua Province has been a violation which is systematic, structured, and massive performed before, during, and after voting to affect the outcome of the vote each candidate, "said the petition at length.

According to the Petitioner, the irregularities that occurred in the process and stages Tambrauw District Election will be very big impact, fundamentally on the outcome of votes and the Court should not allow it because the evidence submitted by the applicant is eligible to cancel the final results of voting Election District Tambrauw.

"Therefore, the Court should order Respondent to repeat all the processes and stages Tambrauw District Election 2011, in accordance with the legislation in force," pleaded the Petitioner. (Nano Tresna A. / mh/Yazid.tr)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | 09:03 WIB 191