Reading the verdict of Dispute over Election Result (PHPU.D) Banjarnegara district,Tuesday (23 / 8) in the plenary session
Application of Dispute over Regional Head Election of Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, the proposed pair Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT, rejected the Constitutional Court (MK). "Rejecting the petition in its entirety," said Chairman of the Plenary Assembly of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD. The agenda of the plenary session is reading the verdict on Tuesday (8/23/2011) on l 2 plenum chamber of the Constitutional Court building.
Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah A.T. a pair of candidates Regent / Vice Regent Banjarnegara Year 2011 with serial number 2. Couples who depart from the path of individual (independent) is occupying the second place votes, under the acquisition-mate Sutedjo Slamet Utomo-Hadi Supeno.
Following the vote Banjarnegara district level for each candidate based on the recapitulation of votes assigned Banjarnegara District Election Commission (KPU) Banjarnegara District: Pair Syamsudin -Toto Hardono (number 1) to obtain 105,313, the Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT (Numbered 2) 170 076 votes, the couple M. Yusrie, M. Najib (numbered 3) 23 007 votes, and the last couple Sutedjo Slamet Utomo-Hadi Supeno (numbered 4) 199 065 votes.
Pair Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT filed an objection to the Court against such recapitulation. The couple argues, established the Commission Banjarnegara recapitulation generated from the process that is not true, because it marked a number of offenses involving fraud and election organizers, the bureaucracy, the head of the village, and village. Fraud and abuse, according to Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT, made before, during and after implementation of the ballot on July 24, 2011.
Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT claims to get 310,791 votes. This acquisition is based on the amount of support by name by address set forth in the form of book support which is taken from real data collection District Coordinator (Korcam) and Coordinator of the Village (Kordes) and Coordinator of polling stations, spread across 20 districts.
After looking at the evidence presented by the parties, according to the Court, its rightful share of the vote in the general election is when voters actually vote. Meanwhile, support to independent candidates who have not legitimately use their voting rights, can not be the basis of vote of Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT.
As for the number of fraud and breach-as argued by Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT, the Court argued, did not prove to be a structured, systematic, and massive that significantly affect the vote Budhi Sarwono-Kusuma Winahyu Diah AT that exceeds the vote-pair Sutedjo Slamet Utomo-Hadi Supeno. Therefore, according to the Court, the argument was not proven according to law. (Nur Rosihin Ana / mh/
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 | 15:03 WIB 195