Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court: No Emptiness chairmanship of Court

Moh. Mahfud MD took oath as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court on August 21, 2008.

There will be no vacancy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. Because, on Thursday (18 / 8), it will be the selection of Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. While the inauguration and swearing-in plans would be holding on Monday (22 / 8). It declared by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD told reporters on Thursday (11 / 8), in his office. While Mahfud own tenure, as Chairman of the Constitutional Court, will expire on August 21, 2011. "There are no vacant positions," he said.

According to Mahfud, the selection process will take place according to the applicable procedures. "The rules remain a long time," he said. Later, the selection procedure of new chairman and vice chairman would use the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 1/PMK/2003 on Election Procedure for Chair and Vice-Chairman of the Constitutional Court. Amendments to the Law Court has less effect on the election process this time.

Selection of Chair and Vice Chair will be conducted in a meeting or hearing attended by at least seven judges of the constitution. Just attending the meeting is entitled to use their voting rights. Then who will lead the relevant trial, said Mahfud, the possibility of the constitution will be submitted to the judge with the oldest age, namely the Constitutional Judge Muhammad Alim.

Asked how the impression of him as Chairman of the Constitutional Court so far, Mahfud said, he was more proud of the cohesiveness of the Constitutional Court judges and employees of the institution. "My pride was not related decisions," he said. As for the recipe to build solidity of the institution, Mahfud said, is to always maintain transparency and democratic leadership.

He was proud of the judges who have the same attitudes and views with him. "Orientation here academia and renewal," he said.

Asked to comment on the opinion of oblique during his leadership, he commented frequently associated in the media, Mahfud just answered flatly. According to him, a criticism of the opinion he had received. However, he believes, what it does it is commonplace, while not violating the code of ethics or laws. He reasoned, it only occurs in certain conditions, especially on an issue that is potentially ‘fried’ by certain parties. "Prior to dilate, which I explained before," he said. Now the Court has appointed Judge Akil Mochtar constitution as a spokesperson. This is as one response to these criticisms. (Dodi / mh/

Thursday, August 11, 2011 | 17:59 WIB 209