Court-Corruption Eradication Commission FGD to Control Gratification

Constitutional Court FGD as a follow-up cooperation with the Commission followed by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar and Registrar of the Court Kasianur Sidauruk as well as officials of the Constitutional Court, on Tuesday (9 / 8)

As a follow-up of the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on the previous day, the Constitutional Court (MK) again held a focus group attended by officials of structural Court. Focus group discussion was attended by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar and Clerk of the Court Kasianur Sidauruk on Tuesday (9 / 8), at the Court House.

"This activity is a follow-up of the outcome of talks between the Court and the Commission some time ago. The Court will immediately form Gratification Control Unit (UPG) and we hope that the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the commitment control of gratification can be launched on August 24, 2011, "explained Janedjri in the presence of several members of the Directorate of Prevention of Gratification KPK deputy.

Resource persons from the Directorate of Prevention of Gratification KPK Deputy Asep Chaerullah explained that gratification can be the beginning of corruption. According to Asep, corruption is a crime beyond the ordinary (extraordinary crime), then needed a way to eliminate them and those outstanding as well and it is necessary integrity. "Corruption is the result of lack of integrity of the elements of the nation. The need for personal development and system integrity was by modeling best practices to overcome them. Each agency will need to find the best model for building integrity, "he explained.

Asep explained that integrity is one of the best ways to combat corruption. Combating corruption in Indonesia, said Asep, not only through the realm of law. "It needs a development approach and integrity in our culture. Not enough with the legal approach, but also a cultural approach. Indeed, this cultural approach will take a long time, but it will run naturally, "he explained.

Next Asep explained several steps that must be passed before finally formed Gratification control unit in the Constitutional Court. Stages, continued Asep, FGD to form a conception of (road map), TOT to shape agent of change. "If you just rely on the KPK was not possible, because the Commission limited the number of human resources. Then, all of which must be held convention aims to build integrity. Integrity is a core value, "he explained.

FGD divided into three groups which will discuss the following: to analyze the readiness of the Constitutional Court building integrity zone, analyzing the motor of change, as well as determine the role and contribution as well as strategies to build the integrity of the Constitutional Court. "All aims to build institutional integrity. The main one is to internalize code of ethics which are revitalized every year. Code of Conduct governs conflict of interest including the integrity of the internalization process. And look, integrity as something substantive. Gratification Control Unit is expected to create a need for employees to report gratuities, "he said. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 | 13:16 WIB 221