Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD delivered religious speech before the tarawih prayer at Istiqlal mosque, Jakarta, Tuesday (9 / 8)
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Moh. Mahfud MD reiterated that Indonesia is not the state of Islam, but the Islamic state. It is said so because of its culture, spirit, and his character the same as the Islamic state. This way when delivering religious lectures delivered before the prayer tarawih in Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta on Tuesday (9 / 8).
Further Mahfud MD said the substance of Islam is democratic in the sense of deliberation. "And democracy is implemented in Indonesia today is a system of democratic deliberation and based on Islam," he explained.
According to Mahfud MD, consultative system which is now embraced by the nation Indonesia is now as practiced by the Islamic prophet Muhammad at the time of making the Charter of Medina first. "Through the charter, the Prophet Muhammad protected the Jews, Christians, Ansor, immigrants, and all classes. But if you break the law, will be dealt with firmly, "he explained.
There are at least two forms of democracy as taught by Islam, namely the principles of democracy and democracy as a procedure. Democracy as a principle, he argues, is a country in which the country based on the principle of consultation, and was conducted by the prophet Muhammad in the ancient times.
While in a democratic system as a system of procedures, it come form the state, form of government. "And, Islam does not teach the system of government," he said. According to him, at the time of the Prophet Muhammad until Khulafa'ur Rashideen was different, because there is no Islamic teaching about the system of government. "But the deliberations must be done," he explained.
More importantly, according to Mahfud, need to be practiced in a democratic system of three things, namely the existence of freedom, of tolerance, and the presence of law enforcement. "With the three things that, democracy will run. And, there on the teachings of our religion is Islam, "he said.
On the offensive side of the democratic system adopted by the Indonesian nation, Mahfud also expressed how important the existence of a state. According to him, would be very dangerous to live without the state. "And, with the existence of a state there would be a liability. Not only for Muslims, but an obligation for all mankind, "he explained.
Mahfud MD describe how your country and if there is no government, there will be tremendous chaos. "Therefore, the country became mandatory in the teachings of Islam. Even better was led by the king and government dholim than no government running the country, "said Mahfud.
Citing the opinion of Imam Al-Ghozali, Mahfud MD said that the carrying out of religious orders and has the power of the state it is two twins. "In a hadith explained that it will not be accomplished with either one of them if no one else. We want to implement the teachings of religion will not materialize, if no state power to regulate. And, state power would not be good if not based on religious teachings, "he explained.
In the end of speech, Mahfud said that Indonesia was born, or an independent state in the month of Ramadan. That said, in his opinion, dated August 17 which coincides with the date of 17 Ramadan 400 years it only happened once. "And now, 17 Ramadan and August 17 are the same. For that let us take a lesson for Muslims to progress in this country, and do not suffer in this wealthy country, so the host in his own country, "said Mahfud MD. (Shohibul Umam / mh/
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 | 13:24 WIB 294