Court Appoints Akil Mochtar and Harjono as Spokesperson

Chairman of Constitutional Court (MK) Moh. Mahfud MD was accompanied by General Secretary MK Janedjri M. Gaffar after the ceremony with a panel of judges of the Constitutional Debate Competition on Thursday (30 / 6) evening on the 11th floor of the Court House.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD said that the Court appoint a spokesman for the Constitutional Court related to the problems lately, especially things related to the former Judge HM Arsyad Sanusi whose case is being warmed up and became a public concern.

"At RPH (Consultative Meeting) we agreed to appoint Judge Akil Mochtar as a spokesperson for the concrete cases as happened with former Judge Arsyad Sanusi.As for substance and somewhat academic cases related to the decision of the Court, we appointed Judge Harjono as a spokesperson, " Mahfud said after the ceremony with Juries of Constitutional Debate Competition on Thursday (30 / 6) night on the 11th floor of the Court House.

In principle, Mahfud said, for now he agreed to remain silent conflict associated with the former Constitutional Court Justice Arsyad Sanusi disclosed very open through electronic media, which seem to attack each individual so that the substance seemed to forget the real issue. 

"Right now I agree I should not be talking to concrete cases, it also may not face to face also. So I talked things for example law enforcement issues, democracy, constitution, and so forth, " Mahfud said in an event also attended by Secretary-General MK Janedjri M. Gaffar.

Furthermore Mahfud said that since the passing of the case "fake letters of MK" linking the name Arsyad Sanusi and some other parties, he continued to observe its development both in the mass media and cyberspace. According to him, quite a lot of parties that seem happy with falling image of Court.  

"Nevertheless, not a few people who actually supports the Court to open the case it openly," Mahfud said. 

On the other hand Mahfud also feel grateful to colleagues as well as the various parties are always reminded to refrain from serving openly in the media, related case experienced recently. Lately the party was sympathetic to him, to refrain from being sent via SMS.

"Therefore, let us keep together the Constitutional Court. Frankly I am concerned with the selection of Constitutional Court Justices who would come, fearing the chairman position can be traded. We must guard it from now, " Mahfud said. (Nano Tresna A./

Friday, July 01, 2011 | 08:59 WIB 225