Court Reveals Allegation’s Chronology of Letter Fraud

Chairman of Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD, accompanied by Chief of Investigation Team Abdul Mukthie Fadjar, Secretary General of Court Janedjri M Gaffar and Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk attending a consultation meeting with the Committee II of Election Mafia of House of Representatives on Tuesday (21/6), at Parliament Building Nusantara II

The case of alleged letter forgery of Court is not a dispute over election results that the time has expired, but a criminal case in violation of the criminal rules. It is delivered by Chairman of Court, Moh. Mahfud MD while attending a consultation meeting with the Committee II of Election Mafia of House of Representatives on Tuesday (21 / 6), at Parliament Building Nusantara II.

"Such action includes criminal acts that violate the provisions of Article 263 and Article 372 of the Criminal Code. Bawaslu had already filed objections to the Commission, but Andi Nurpati ignore it. Criminal acts of fraud and forgery happened clearly. Moreover, Andi Nurpati deliberately ignore and ask for a letter dated August 17 of 2009 is stored in the archives, " Mahfud explained it. He is accompanied by Chairman of the Investigation Team as well as former of Vice Chairman of Court Abdul Mukthie Fadjar, Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar and Registrar Kasianur Sidauruk.

Mahfud also clarify the case of alleged forgery of this Court invoked to discredit certain individuals and political parties. According to Mahfud, the Court has been silent for 13 months since reporting to the police who conducted secretly on February 12 of 2010. "Disclosure is not the case from the Court, because the Court has done with legal obligation to report to police since February 12 of 2011," he explained before the Chairman of Commission II of DPR Chaeruman Harahap and members of the Committee II of Election Mafia of DPR RI.

As a follow-up of the meeting of Commission III along with Bawaslu and KPU, Mahfud denied himself referred to as whistle-blowers of Court cases of suspected forgery to the general public. Mahfud explained that the institution has fully devolved the case to Police.

In that same opportunity, Mahfud is explaining the chronology of Court fake letter. "The original letter sent on August 17 of 2009 by Number 112/PAN.MK/VII/2009. The fake letter sent on August 14 of 2009 with the same number. The original letter has been delivered and accepted Andi Nurpati on JAKTV upon his request. Letter is sent along with letter No. 113/PAN.MK/VII/2009 used by Election Commission in issuing KPU Decree Number 379/kpts/KPU/2009, "he explained.

Mahfud explained, after reading the letter, Andi asked that the letter was handed to the driver named Aryo. "Upon receiving the letter, Andrew was not concerned about the stamp on the letter. It was only in the coordination meeting among Supervisory Board Election, Court, and Election Commission and it disclosed by Andi Nurpati. Until now, the letter that was not stamped, it never returned to the Court. It is not only not to be returned, but it is also never be indicated, "he explained.

In that same opportunity, Mahfud questioned Election Commission’s reason using Number 113/PAN.MK/VII/2009 on the letter, but it did not use the letter No. 112/PAN.MK/VII/2009 to make a decision letter. "If it is true (quod non), the letter was not stamped, why would it even be defeated by a letter received by the Commission via facsimile. After we checked into PT. Telkom, it is known that the facsimile number as the number of the letter sender, it has been inactive since July 2009, "he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Investigation Team Abdul Mukthie Fadjar said the investigation team had examined some of the internal Court-related case. Mukthie mention a few names, among them former Zainal Arifin Hoesein as Registrar, Masyhuri Hasan, Pan Mohamad Faiz and Nallom Kurniawan. "For the internal parties, the Court has imposed sanctions. As for outsiders, Court Investigation Team has limited authority, so it is not possible to examine Dewi Yasin Limpo and Andi Nurpati, "he explained.

MK Letter Forgery Chronology
Secretary-General of Court Janedjri M. Gaffar opened the chronology of making a letter dated August 14 by the Court staff Masyhuri Hasan. According Janedjri, on August 14 of 2009, Former Registrar Zainal Arifin Hoesein received a letter from the Commission requesting an explanation of the Constitutional Court Decision No. 84/PHPU.C-VII/2009. After asking confirmation from Andi Nurpati, Zainal draft a reply letter with Masyhuri Hasan who typed the letter concept. "The next day, Saturday (15/8), Hasan came to the office by reason of preparing the hearing for Monday. On that day, former Constitutional Court Judge M. Arsyad Sanusi call the Clerk to ask him about the word 'addition of voice' on the Constitutional Court Decision No. 84/2009. Registrar denies the existence of the word, " Janedjri explained.

The next day, Sunday (16/8), Janedjri explained, Hasan called by Nesha (Arsyad daughter, ed.) and he had been asked to come to the apartment state officials in Kemayoran, Jakarta with copy concept of a reply letter to the Commission. According to Hasan testimony to Investigation Team, he does not change the substance of the concept of the letter. "The concept of the letter have previously been administered solely by Hasan.Therefore, a letter dated August 14 of 2009 is the number written in a handwritten letter. We also disassemble the computer and it found that Hasan has a scanned signature of the Registrar of the Court. In Arsyad apartment, Dewi Yasin Limpo has been waiting. She forced to meet with the Registrar on that day and it was rejected by the Registrar. Dewi came to the house in Court complex and she ask the response letter added the word 'additional' voice 'and it was still rejected by the Clerk, "he explained.

On Monday (17/8), Zainal Arifin Hoesein consulted the Chairman of Court, Moh. Mahfud MD of the reply letter to the Election Commission dated August 14 of 2009. "Chairman ordered the letter to be equated with the decision of the Court without the word 'addition of voice'. Later on the same day, a letter was delivered to the Election Commission. As there is no commissioner and Mrs. Andi Nurpati suggested the letter was handed to him in JAKTV. However, on receiving the letter, Andi said 'it should not be like this' and' if it was not change the sound, why were granted?"
She refused to sign a receipt. She asked for the letter was handed over to the driver, "he explained.

On that occasion, Janedjri reveals the Court has also given sanction to internal staff related to the case. Let's say, Masyhuri Hasan was honorably discharged and other internal parties has dissatisfied statement from the Chairman of Court and the disciplinary action. "At that time, Hasan also asked for 'blessing' and it was discovered later, Hasan accepted as a candidate for Supreme Court judges in Jayapura," Janedjri said. (Lulu Anjarsari/mh/

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 | 15:49 WIB 199