Judicial Review on Regional Tax and Retribution Act Pulled Back

Panel of Judges, Achmad Sodiki, Moh. Mahfud MD as Chairman and concurrent Member, and M. Akil Mochtar when reading the decree to grant the petition for withdrawal of the Law on Regional Tax and Retribution on Monday (20/6) in the Courtroom

Constitutional Court granted the petition for withdrawal of the Law on Regional Tax and Retribution on Monday (20/6) in the Courtroom. The Court declared the Petitioner cannot be re-applying the review of Article 85 paragraph (2) letter a, point 1 and Article 87 paragraph (2) letter a of Law Number 28/2009 on Regional Taxes and Retribution.

This case petition filed by Harry Mulyono Machsus, Advocate / Capital Market Legal Consultant / Curator & Staff, residing in Surabaya acting for and on behalf of the Receiver of PT. Anita Vira Andika registered with No.31/PUU-IX/201.

In one of these statutes state that consideration of the petition existed in the Constitutional Court in the Preliminary Session of the Panel on May 26 of 2011. It has been advising the applicant improve the application in accordance with applicable regulations.

Furthermore, the Petitioner was withdrawing the application. "Whereas the withdrawal request, the Plenary Consultative Meeting on Thursday the sixteenth of June two thousand and eleven, has set a recall petition with the Registration Number 31/PUU-IX/2011 reasonable and not contrary to the Act, because of it, the recall petition can be granted, "explained the Court.

This provision is decided by nine Constitutional Court Justices; Moh. Mahfud MD as Chairman and concurrent Member, Achmad Sodiki, Anwar Usman, Harjono, Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, Hamdan Zoelva, Maria Farida Indrati, M. Akil Mochtar, and Muhammad Alim, respectively as Members. (Miftakhul Huda/Yazid.tr)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | 08:21 WIB 191