Witnesses Give Information on Last PHPU Bombana Substantiation

Experts from the Related Party, DR Topo Santoso while providing expertise in advanced trial Assembly Election Result Dispute (PHPU) Bombana Regency, on Monday (6 / 6) in Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court Building.

Jakarta, MKOnline - The Constitutional Court (MK) held a meeting with the agenda to hear witness testimony from the Petitioner, Respondent, and the Related Party PHPU Bombana case on Monday (6 / 6). Assembly time is the last evidentiary hearing before the Court delivered its verdict. Session times are also closed with endorsement of evidence. In the trial the witnesses denied each of the other witnesses.

Petitioners' witnesses who first had the opportunity to submit testimony, namely Nasaruddin. Nasaruddin which is the Village Head Radumpi, Rarowatu District, said he and other village heads have been directed to select the pair number 2 (Tafdil-Masyura Lamaday Ila) by the Dean of the University Fisip Haluleo, Rekson S. Sheet. At that time they met at the home of Candidate Vice Regent Bombana sequence number 2, Masyura. "He discussed the problem of vision and mission of the pair number 2. We also aimed to select the pair number 2 by asking us to choose a partner sequence number 2, "said Nassaruddin explain Rekson speech on February 18, 2011.

After giving it, according to Nassaruddin, village heads who attended along with Rekson do a picture together in front of the house Masyura. While doing a photo with it, the village heads together Rekson displays pose two fingers, middle and index finger, has been appointed to the top.

When Rekson have the opportunity to submit his testimony as a witness to the Related Party, Rekson dismiss all information submitted by Nasaruddin. However, Rekson confirmed that while he was at home Masyura. "When I was gathering to home Masyura apologies because when there is grief (mourn, red) Masyura one family member I can not attend, so I came at that time (February 18, 2011, ed)," explained Rekson regarding its presence in Masyura home.

Furthermore, Rekson admitted meeting with village leaders who were also present in the house Masyura. To the head of the village, had admitted Rekson conversation. However, Rekson denied that he asked the village chief partner choice number 2. Rekson said he only told the village heads had to choose candidates for Regent Bombana who has good vision and mission for the future of Bombana.

Rekson admitted that he had pictures taken with the village heads in front of the house Masyura by displaying poses two index finger and middle finger. However, Rekson said the pose does not mean he supports the candidate sequence number 2. "The picture was there twice. The first one did not use the two finger pose. The second new wear after I requested, but somehow the journalists who might be so that the image can appear in the paper, "explained Rekson regarded as community leaders in Bombana.

Money Politics
In the trial, led by Chairman of the Panel of Judges, M. Akil Mochtar of the couple found witnesses Party Applicant and Related Parties that have submitted about the practice of money politics.

Arsyad, Witness of the Petitioner who is also the household coordinator team for candidate number 2 said that he was right to distribute the money in an effort to win the pairs numbered 2 (Related Parties). "It was on May 6, 2011, at 7 pm, I received money 1, 2 million from the Head of Dusun Right Blue, Curuka. He was a fellow successful team number 2. The money then I share at 10 pm that same day. I share the community of 30 people, 40 thousand per person. My own money to 100 thousand dollars, "said Arsyad about sharing the money he did.

After handing out money, Arsyad admitted he commanded to each person who provided the money that the money from the pair number 2. Hence, Arsyad then ordered that they voted number 2 in TPS 4 Blue Village.

Witness of the Related Party which is a success team for candidate number 5/Petitioner (tambera Subhan Abdul Azis-baking), Alibas testify in court. Alibas which is a successful team at the village level, the village Tongkoseng admitted handing out money to the community in an effort to win the pair number 5. "On May 7, 2011 I handed out 50 thousand dollars banknotes on at 10pm. But I was later arrested by Rustam, a successful team number 2. I say choose to be submitted to the police or photographed. I choose to be photographed as evidence, "clearly explaining the background Alibas himself finally gave testimony to the Related Parties.

Alibas claimed the money was distributed out to the community obtained from Agus, successful team number 5 others. Money amounting to 8 million dollars was received Alibas on May 6, 2011 around 17.30 CET. However, the money given Agus was just time to be distributed amounted to 400 thousand dollars before being caught by Rustam Alibas.

At the end of the hearing, the Chairman of the Panel of Judges, M. Akil Mochtar endorsed the evidence submitted by Petitioner, Respondent, and Related Parties. (Yusti Nurul Agustina/mh)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011 | 05:53 WIB 250