The Incumbent of Salatiga Regency Submit Petition to Court

Petitioner, Diah Sunarsasi is accompanied by Arteria Dahlan et al, in case of Dispute over Election Results (PHPU) of Salatiga Regency with the agenda of proceedings, Wednesday (25/5).

Jakarta, MKOnline - Constitutional Court (MK) held the first meeting of the Dispute over Election Result (PHPU) of Salatiga Regency of 2011 with the agenda of proceedings. Petitioners in this case are Diah Sunarsasi-Milhous Teddy Sulistyo (No. 2). The legal counsels are Arteria Dahlan et al. Petitioner sued the District Election Commission. The couple argued the Commission of Salatiga did violations in structured, massive, and systemic way.
Panel Session was chaired by the Chairman of Constitutional Court Moh. Mahfud MD.  It was started at 16.00 pm with a briefing Parties' petition on the subject matter and Petitum proposed. Mahfud accompanied by two members of the Panel of Judges, Maria Farida Indrati and Anwar Usman.
Principal Petitioner, Diah Sunarsasi and Milhous Teddy Sulistyo attend the trial. Both were accompanied by their legal representatives, Arteria Dahlan. Arteria revealed various violations committed by Respondent (KPU Salatiga) and Related Parties (Pair Number 3 / Yuliyanto-Muhammad Haris).
The first violation is the attempt to manipulate the vote counts that resulted in the Related Party won the election of Salatiga Mayor. In addition, Petitioner also considered the Commission has passed the candidate No. 4, Bambang Soetopo Darwanti-Rosa, in a psychological test. "If there is no number four, we would have won because we had a completely different mass base," said Arteria.
Petitioner also set questions about the candidate who was not announced by the KPU. This was considered detrimental to Petitioner because he/she could not submit it to Court because the object of disputes does not exist.
The issue of DPT (Voters List) is also questioned by the Petitioner. It said it had repeatedly reminded the Commission of Salatiga city to eliminate the data of voters who have died and others, but it was not responded by the Respondent.
"Another violation was the changing of winning post of Related Party into the TPS. Then voters cannot vote using ID cards. Officers also found KPPS vote more than once. There was also a practice of money politics. Later we present all the witnesses, "said Arteria mention the violations by the Respondent and Related.
Based on these arguments, the Petitioner requests the Court to cancel the elected mayor and vice mayor. In addition, Petitioner also asks the Court to disqualify the spouse of Mayor and Vice Mayor elected and set the Petitioner as the winner. "If the Court decides for re-election, we are ready," said Arteria.
The trial adjourned and will resume tomorrow, Thursday (26/5) at 16.00 pm.
(Yusti Nurul Agustina/Yazid/mh/

Friday, May 27, 2011 | 06:35 WIB 216