Court Secretary General Close Colloqium With Army

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court (MK) Janedjri M. Gaffar took off participant sign after officially closing the Dialogue Meeting "Improving Constitutional Understanding and Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court for the Army Officers a cooperation between MK with the Army Headquarters, on Sunday (8/5) afternoon at Arya Duta Hotel, Jakarta.

Jakarta, MKOnline - Secretary General of the Constitutional Court (MK) Janedjri M. Gaffar took off participant's sign after officially closing the Dialogue Meeting "Improving Constitutional Understanding and Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court for the Army Officers' a cooperation between MK with the Army Headquarters, on Sunday (8/5) afternoon at Arya Duta Hotel, Jakarta.

Before closing the colloquium, in his speech Janedjri revealed that the formulator of the 1945 soccer to not make changes to the 1945 Constitution. Thus, the basic thoughts of statehood as set forth in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, has not changed and still remain as they are.

"In the 4th paragraph to the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution stipulated Pancasila as the state of Indonesia. Such provision confirms the Indonesian nation has agreed Khittah Pancasila as state and animates the 1945 Constitution as the founding legal document which is also the supreme law of the country, "explained Janedjri.

On that basis, said Janedjri, Pancasila should be interpreted in a rational way that all the attitudes and behavior of citizens are set according to the principles and values ​​contained in Pancasila. Similarly, every policy and rule of law must stem the decline of the noble principles and values ​​contained in Pancasila.

"serious problem that is currently happening is the noble values ​​of Pancasila as if the more washed out, eroded by the times. Pancasila is considered as something that is outdated, outmoded and no longer relevant to current conditions. Pancasila experiencing marginalization because only a symbol, is placed as a decoration and perceived as beautiful words without meaning, "said Janedjri in length.

As a result of Pancasila has been thought to be felt and seen clearly, how the Indonesian people as if it has lost its orientation. Closeness as a nation very easily torn, because the spirit of nationalism that are running low, and vice versa primordialism esprit de corps and became stronger.

Janedjri went on, the agenda is very important and urgently needed by the nation of Indonesia is to revitalize, internalize and implement Pancasila values ​​to children in the nation. The goal, for Pancasila the basis of national life, systemically into the source of values, and orientation in the establishment and enforcement.

"In this case, berkonstitusi awareness education that is informed by the values ​​of Pancasila should continue to be made more systematic, structured and massive involving all state agencies in all branches of state power," added Janedjri.

Substance of the Event

During the Dialogue Meeting "Improved Understanding of Berkonstitusi and Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court for the Army Officers' (6-8 May), a series of activities have been presented through a number of lecture sessions of competent resource persons. Starting from the source of the Constitutional Court Harjono presenting "constitutional system of RI Post-Understanding Changes in the 1945 Constitution and 1945 Constitution as a Translation of Pancasila". Also there is the Constitutional Judge Mary with material "Testing Procedure Act" and Akil Mochtar of the Constitutional Court with the material "Procedural Law and Dispute Case Study Election Results. "

Besides, there were resource persons Constitutional Justice M. Alim presenting "Dispute Authority of Civil Procedure" and Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman with the matter "State Institutions and Dissolution of Political Parties. " Next there is the Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva presenting "Breaking the Law of the Parliament Opinion on Alleged Violations of Law by the President / Vice President" and Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court Achmad Sodiki presenting "Progressive Law and Substantive Justice" as well as General Secretary MK Janedjri M. Gaffar presenting "The Constitutional Court: Toward a Framework for Court Excellence". (Nano Tresna A./mh)

Monday, May 09, 2011 | 10:41 WIB 274