Election Case Kab. South Buru: Applicant Reveals Various violations During Election

Constitutional Justice Achmad Sodiki (Panel Chairman),accompanied by Constitutional Justice Harjono and Constitutional Justice Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi (each as member) is reviewing the petition on the initial session of the Dispute over Second Round General Election Result (Election Case)in South Buru regency on Friday ( 6 / 5 ) at the Panel Courtroom of the Constitutional Court Building.

Jakarta, MKOnline - Session for case 51/PHPU.D-IX/2011 was held by the Constitutional Court on Friday (6/5) in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court. The Dispute over Second Round General Election Result (Election Case)in South Buru regency was filed by candidates number 1, Anthony Lesnussa and Haji Ali. Petitioners argued in their petition at least seven principal substances

The principal application, among others, voting ballots by people who are not entitled to, another person other than the voter in the voting booth, intimidation by a Pair of Regent and Vice Regent Candidate Number 6, Tagob Solissa and Job Saleki (the Related Party in this case) , many voters who were invited but were not given the opportunity to vote, and the involvement of civil servants (PNS), village heads and teachers to support the Related Parties.

In addition, according to Petitioner, there were also violations during the vote counting, which includes: The applicant was expelled during the counting process, the Ballot Group Organizers (KPPS) did  not show the ballot counting, and CKWK KPU forms were not handed to the Petitioner witness.

Finally, in the Petitum, the Petitioner requested to be declared winner in South Buru District Second Round Election. "Announcing the voting results for the pair of candidates as follows. Serial number one, on behalf of Anthonius Lesnussa and Haji Ali at 14,745 votes. Serial number of six, on behalf of Job Saleki Tagob Solissa and amounted to 14,598 votes, "said a counsel of the Petitioner.

The session was also attended by Principal Respondent, the Election Commission Chairman Abdul Muin Bursel Loilatu. While the Related Party were represented by some of their legal counsels. The next session would be held on Wednesday (11/5) afternoon. (Dodi/mh/YDJ)

Saturday, May 07, 2011 | 13:00 WIB 221