Chairman Sungai Penuh City Commission State Election Postponement Purely Budget Problems

Constitutional Justice Moh Mahfud MD (Chairman), accompanied by Maria Farida Indrati Constitutional Justice and Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman (each member) examining witnesses of the Respondent and Related Parties in the case 47/PHPU.D-IX/2011 of the Dispute over Second Round Regional Head and Deputy Head Election Results of the Sungai Penuh City 2011, Thursday (5 / 5) in Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court Building.

Jakarta, MKOnline - All the witnesses of the Respondent and the Related Party in case of the dispute over second round election of regional head result of Sungai Penuh City had denied the testimony of the witness'petition in the previous session, Wednesday (4/5). The next session for case 47/PHPU.D-IX/2011 was held on Thursday (5/5) afternoon, at the Plenart courtroom.

Petitioners in this case are candidate pair number 4, Ahmadi-Mushar Azhari Zubir. As the Respondent, the National Election Commission of Sungai Penuh City. Also attending the hearing, the Respondent Principal, Chairman of the Commission of Sungai Penuh City Raisul Jamal Jahidin. While the Related Party, was the regional head candidate Asyafri-Ardinal Salim Bakri Jaya.

On that occasion, the Panel was chaired by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Moh. Mahfud MD, had listened to nine witnesses from Related Parties and six witnesses of the Respondent. In his testimony, witness of the Related Party, Damri Miftah, denied the practice of money politics. "I never distribute any money at home. Nor did Other people, "he said.

While other witnesses, Basyardi, revealed that the Related Party never involved civil servants (PNS) during the implementation of the General Election. Instead he kicked back by saying that according to him, the winning team of the Petitioners who involved civil servants. "We have proof of the original Decree," he said.

In addition, Jusrizal Djohar, testified that there was a declaration that involved traditional leaders committed by the Related Parties. However, he asserted, the declaration is not made ​​in the village office, but in the Land Mendopo. "The land are customary land Mendopo," he said. He guessed, these allegations leveled by the Land Mendopo it happened to be right in front of the village office.
It was also the same as the allegations against the team win the Related Party posts. Where, the Applicant pointed to the Party concerned to use as a post office district winning teams. In fact, according to Jusrizal, post it using the appropriate customs office adjacent to the village office. So it was not in the village office.

Meanwhile, Jamal Raisul Jahidin, as Chairman of the Commission of Sungai Penuh City, gave explanations related to twice delay the General Election. He asserted, pure penundaa funds due to problems that never disbursed. He said it had sent a letter to the mayor repeatedly linked it, but received no response. Until finally, it had sent a letter to Home Minister on the issue and held a meeting that the results do decide to delay the implementation of the General Election on the grounds Election funds have not come down by the mayor.

Whereas the Respondent's witnesses, in his testimony said that during the implementation of the General Election, no matter the means, as argued by the Applicant. "Election goes according to regulations," said Agus Salim Chairman Kumun Debai KDP. "There is no claim by a witness. Plenary at the KPU (as well) there is no objection, "he continued. (Dodi/mh)

Friday, May 06, 2011 | 07:10 WIB 187