Court-Association to Discuss Syllabus of ToT for Procedural Law

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar accompanied by Head of General Affairs Bureau Syaiful Bahri at the meeting for Training on Trainers (ToT) in cooperation with Association of Lecturers on Constitutional Court Procedural Law (APHAMK) at Santika Hotel Jakarta, Friday (8/4) night.

Jakarta, MKOnline - The Constitutional Court (The Court) in cooperation with the Association of Constitutional Court Procedural Law Lecturers (APHAMK) held a meeting on the Training of Trainers (ToT) in Santika Hotel Jakarta, Friday (8/4) night. The discussion of the meeting was around the syllabus and material for the ToT of The Court Procedural Law among the participants, namely the Secretary General of The Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar; Head of General Affairs Bureau of The Court, Saiful Bachri; Head of Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, Noor Sidharta; a number of officials and employees also experts on state administration law like Saldi Isra, Yuliandri and Kurnia Warman.

In the meeting there was a suggestion to discuss further the practice of The Court’s procedural law, whether to focus on the practice or the simulation of case submission and arranging decision. Besides that, there was another response from the audiences the need to discuss the evaluation technic, value measurement and ranking of the ToT participants. Then there was another input for the discussion to focus on the syllabus with the agenda to adjust the syllabus. 

Meeting Agreement

After four hours, the meeting ended in some agreements among others to set five best participants of the ToT program would participate in internship program as a form of appreciation. “Besides that, (the program) will cover material on the Five Principles (Pancasila) but not the implementation of the values. Also the materials concerning the Constitution or Court Administration and Management,” told the Secretary General, Janedjri M. Gaffar who gave directions in the meeting.

The result of the meeting also stated that the ToT program would be conducted in 4 days and 3 nights. Besides that, the meeting also agreed that there would not be an internship at The Court for participants. The meeting also set the three authorities of The Court concerning the Judicial Review, General Election cases, and State Body Authorities dispute cases as the simulation material for the participants. The content of the simulation was about the arrangement of petition and the decision with materials from cases that had been decided by The Court. This simulation would be held a day before the closing. “About this simulation, there has to be evaluation and ranking to motivate the participants, but the requirements has to be strict, measured and open,” said Janedjri accompanied by Saiful Bachri.

Next, the meeting also determined that materials which were technical administrative like case registration would not be inserted in the syllabus of the resource persons or justices. Justices just needed to explain materials which were substantial. Meanwhile for the domain of technical administration material would be given to the Registrar unit or Hearing and Case Administration Bureau of The Court.

Besides that, the meeting also resulted in the agreement about the regulation for resource persons that the material of procedural law would be recommended to be delivered by active Constitutional Justices. Then for the procedure of decision arrangement, decision drafting and the procedure for arranging petition could be delivered by former constitutional justices (Nano Tresna A./mh/YDJ)

Monday, April 11, 2011 | 14:11 WIB 239