A number of Courtâs Employee taking part in the Government Goods/Services Procurement Education and Training in Secretariat General and Registrar Office of the Constitutional Court held in Education and Training Room 8th Floor of the Constitutional Court Building, Friday (25/3).
Jakarta, MKOnline - the Constitutional Court (The Court) held an Education and Training for Government Goods/Services Procurement on Friday (25/3) at 08.00 WIB. The participants were the employees with the aim to make the employees understand the system, process, and basic principles in procuring goods/services.
The training was also attended by Dr. Ir. Sutardi, Director of Profession Development, Government Goods/Services Procurement Institution (LKPP). Sutardi underlined the importance of understanding basic principles as guidelines that had to be follow entirely in a procurement process starting from planning until the transfer of work.
The training itself went in a dialogue as the employees asked questions related to the procurement process they experienced within The Court’s area. “Is there a difference between procuring goods/services domestically and internationally? asked one of the employees.
Sutardi explained that the red line in government’s procurement had been put in the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) 54 of 2010. Either domestically or internationally, both had been regulated in it. He added that the procurement system was one of the things to prepare before the implementation process which consisted of Setting the Election Method, Bidding Submission Method, Evaluation Method and Kind of Contract.
Besides that, he also underlined the electronic procurement (e-procurement) as a mean of efficiency in the cost. E-Procurement was a procurement process in government institutions that had to be conducted electronically and web-based by using the facility of communication and information technology and covered the electronic general bidding. The holder is the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE)
In this process, the bidding is conducted electronically through the stages of: Announcing Auction by the committee, Downloading the auction document, explaining the auction process, submitting bidding documents by the service provider, opening the bidding documents, announcing winner, and protesting period to the Commitment-Making Officer
The provider of the tender participant can make an online registration at the LPSE portal, visit the nearest LPSE for a verification by bringing the required documents, among others establishment certificate, ID Card of owner, Individual Tax Number, Field-Based Working Permit, TDP, registration form and participation form (Yazid/mh/YDJ)
Friday, March 25, 2011 | 15:30 WIB 297