Natuna Decision: Money Politics Not Affecting Votes

Registrar of The Court, Kasianur Sidauruk handed over a copy of decision to all parties after the session for reading of decision for Natuna Election Case, Jakarta (24/3).

Jakarta, MKOnline - The Decision for Election Case of Natuna Regency, Riau Island was readout by the Board of Constitutional Justices on Thursday (24/3). The Petitioners for the case No. 26/PHPU.D-IX/2011 were candidate pair Raja Amirullah-Daeng Amhar, candidate pair No. 3 while the Related Party was Ilyas Sabli-Imalko, candidate pair No. 4.

The Petitioners argued that the money politics conducted by candidate 4 to win the election. Other arguments were on the cooperation between the Respondents and the candidate 4 to win the pair. Besides that, the Petitioners argued on the violations in the implementation of voting, for example in many poll centers, there were unusual voting.

The abandonment of violations during the election and the tendency to support one side had become the arguments proposed. To support their arguments, the Petitioners attached 17 written evidence. The Petitioner also presented 18 witnesses to be heard before the court on March 10 and March 14, 2011.
On those claims, The Respondents proposed 9 witnesses and 14 written evidence to counter the arguments. The Related Party also proposed 14 written evidence and 4 witness to support their victory.

Legal Consideration

After observing the evidence and witnesses of all parties for money politic arguments, The Court paid attention to the information from the Election Supervisory Committee of Natuna Regency that the money politic cases in Sabang Mawang Village and East Sedanau Village could not be followed up due to the lack of evidence, meanwhile money politics in Semedang Village had been followed up to Integrated Law Enforcement Center.

“Besides, according to The Court, even if there were money politic cases in Sabang Mawang, Semedang and East Sedanau Villages, those were sporadic in nature and did not affect the vote result for the Petitioners as well as the Related Party significantly. Therefore, the arguments were not proven legally,” said a member of the board of justice.

Money giveaways were not proven to affect the vote result for either candidate because it was never distributed to the voters. Therefore, according to The Court, the argument on this matter was not legally proven thus it had to be put aside.

The Court in the conclusion stated that the main substances were not proven, “The verdict is to reject the Petitioners’ petitions in its entirety,” announced Mahfud MD as the Chairman of the Board. The decision acknowledged the victory of Ilyas Sabli-Imalko pair (Yazid/mh/YDJ)

Thursday, March 24, 2011 | 18:40 WIB 185