Constitutional Justices and Speaker of the MPR Consultation Meeting

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD together with 7 other justices (Achmad Sodiki, M. Alim, Hamdan Zoelva, Akil Mochtar, Harjono, Maria Farida Indrati, Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi) accompanied by the Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar while conducting a meeting with the Speaker of the People Consultative Assembly (MPR) Taufiq Kiemas and colleagues in the Delegation Room Nusantara V of the Parliamentary Building, Jakarta (24/3).

Jakarta, MKOnline - A consultative meeting between the constitutional justices and Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Taufiq Kiemas was held on Thursday (24/3) afternoon at the Parliamentary Building, Senayan, Jakarta. On that occasion, also attending were Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (The Court) Mahfud MD, Deputy Chief Justice Achmad Sodiki, Constitutional Justices M. Alim, Hamdan Zoelva, Akil Mochtar, Harjono, Maria Farida Indrati, Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, Secretary General of The Court Janedjri M. Gaffar dan other officials.
The visit from Mahfud and the constitutional justices was directly received by the Speaker of the MPR, Taufiq Kiemas with his colleagues. Upon arrival at the Parliamentary Building, Mahfud and Leaders of the MPR allowed themselves to have lunch together while making a light chat and filled with light laughter from the dining room.

Related to the meeting, Mahfud explained that they were not discussing on political matters at all because The Court and the MPR were on different area. “We just re-instate that the MPR is the constitution maker who can make and change the constitution. Meanwhile The Court is the guardian of the constitution. It means, whatever the MPR makes has to be made secure by The Court by its interpretations to the legislation,” explained Mahfud.

In the present context and what people fussed about, continued Mahfud, the City Council (DPD) proposed an amendment to the constitution. Regarding the proposal, revealed Mahfud, constitutional justices agreed that it was the authority of the MPR. Even though there was a Constitutional Court, it did not necessarily mean to be able to change the constitution. “Therefore, we re-instate that. It is up to the MPR. Even The Court will position itself as the guardian of the constitution which has been or is enacted. For the future, it is not the authority of The Court. People may develop the discourse, The Court will not meddle in,” he explained.

However, continued Mahfud, The Court could not consider whether the constitution was right or wrong, good or bad, that was not The Court’s affair. What matters for The Court, whatever the content of the constitution, it had to be guarded and enforced. “While if the constitution is going to be amended, it is the MPR’s business,” added Mahfud to the press after the meeting.

Meanwhile, Taufiq Kiemas explained that during the meeting, the Chief Justice had asked the Speaker of the MPR and Speakers of the House of People’s Representatives (DPR) altogether to carry out the constitution. Taufiq also said that the existence of the MPR and The Court was very significant related to the constitution or legislation. “MPR as lawmakers, meanwhile The Court as the guardian,” emphasized Taufiq.
Besides, Taufiq said, the meeting among others also discussed about the model of democracy in Indonesia which could be copied by other countries. This, stated Taufiq, was very useful and even the President of the United States Obama admitted that the model of democracy in Indonesia could be applied in other countries (Nano Tresna A/mh/YDJ)

Thursday, March 24, 2011 | 17:54 WIB 276