Witness Denied Distributing Money in Pelalawan Election

Board of Constitutional Justice, Achmad Sodiki as Chairman of the Panel with Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Muhammad Alim while examining a petitioners’ witness Radesman Nainggolan (on the scree) in the next session of Pelalawan election case held by the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (23/3)

Jakarta, MKOnline - The next session for the Pelalawan election case was held in the Constitutional Court (The Court), Wednesday (23/3) afternoon. This fourth session with the agenda of substantiation, was to hear information from witnesses of the Petitioners Abdul Anas Badrun-Narsum (Anas-Narsum) and of the Related Party, HM Harris-Marwan Ibrahim (Harris-Marwan).

The Panel of Justices assigned to handle the case No. 26/PHPU.D-IX/2011 were Achmad Sodiki as the Chairman with Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Muhammad Alim. As in the previous session on Tuesday (22/3), the Panel gave the opportunity to all parties to present witness to give information.

A Petitioners’ witness, H. Rusichairus said that the result of the plenary meeting for the recapitulation of votes in Pangkalan Lesung Sub-district Election Committee was not put on the information board. “On Friday, February 18, 2011 at about 9 o’clock, I witnessed it myself that the announcement of the result of the plenary meeting of the Pangkalan Lesung Sub-district Election Committee was not put on the board,” said Rusichairus. Besides that, he saw that all ballot boxes were unlocked.

A witness, Erwis Maryono explained that the legality of C-packet diploma used by the Related Party as a requirement for candidacy. The way in obtaining the diploma according to Erwis was not according to the regulation in Joint Decree of Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of National Education. “As far as I know, (the diploma) was not obtained according to what has been arranged in the joint decree between the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Education,” he pointed out.

Witness Nasri was dismissed by Headmaster of SDN 017 sore (National Elementary School) for not chosing Harris-Marwan pair. “Two weeks after the election, I was dismissed from the school for not following what the Principal advised to choose candidate 1,” Nasri reminiscing.

Meanwhile, a Related Party witness delivered a counter information. H. Zakri and Islan both denied having distributed some money to vote for candidate 1. Then Sahir and Riadi also denied the information from the Petitioners’ witness on the intimidation from both witnesses.

Before closing the session, the Board of Justices legalized the evidence from the Petitioners (P-1 until P-64). The Respondents submitted evidence T-1 until T-33 while the Related Party filed evidence PT-1 to PT-19. Besides that, the Panel also advised all parties to make their conclusion based on the arguments to convince the constitutional justices. The next session would be for decision reading (Nur Rosihin Ana/mh/YDJ)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 | 19:27 WIB 231