Legal representative, Drs. M. Utomo A. Karim, together with Lenny Sri Handajani and Rachmat Basuki on the second trial of local government law with agenda the examination of the refinement petition on Tuesday (8/3)
Jakarta, MKOnline – Linneke Watoelangkoew and Jimmy Stefanus Wewengkang exposing the revision of the petition on Tuesday (8/3/2011) in front of the Justice on plenary room. Denny Kailimang and associate representing the appellant for this case (11/PUU-IX/2011) examine the local government law, article 108 subsection (3), (4), and (5).
In the subsection (3) its stated, “In way the local leader permanently absent, the local deputy candidate elected as local leader. Subsection (4) stated, “as stated that propose the two candidate deputy to the local parliament to b eelected again. Where subsection (5), “in the way the elected pair permanently absent, the local party or coalition of the local party which his/her pair gain the popularity in first position and second position can propose the candidate pair to the local parliament to be elected as a local leader and his/her deputy at the latest 60 days”.
The appellant in this case questioned the article that has injured their constitutional rights as an elected Tomohon mayor Nort Sulawesi. This case related Jefferson case, even Jefferson Soleiman Motesqieu Rumajar become the accused on corruption case of the local budget, he still inaugurated as a Tomohon mayor at state ministry. Jefferson as number one winner who has undergone the corruption trial.
According the appellant through their legal representative after their exception has been overruled at corruption trial, they believe that there will be no free decision as in jurisprudence in corruption trial.
In the trial, Denny exposing the new petition following the advice from justices on the previous trial. “the improvement has been made and we have attached it to the petition. After that, on the next hearing session we will bring an expert witness on the next trial”, Denny said.
The justice panel was lead by Justice Muhammad Alim along wih Justice Akil Mochtar and Justice Hamdan Zoelva. The hearing session was started at one o’clock in constitutional court, where the previous session was in January 27th, 2011. (Yazid/mh/Ardiansyah)
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 | 15:21 WIB 225