Court Achieve Award on Central Government Performance Accountability

Minister of Administrative Reform, E.E. Mangindaan when giving the award on Central Government Performance Accountability 2010 to the Secretary General of The Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar, Monday (7/3)

The Constitutional Court (The Court) achieved an award on Central Government Performance Accountability 2010 and received by the Secretary General of The Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar, Monday (7/3) afternoon at the Ministry for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. Other than The Court, a number of Ministries/Institutions received the same awards, among others the Corruption Eradication Commission, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, also Ministry of Finance.

In that opportunity, besides giving a report on the evaluation report of performance accountability, the Minister for Administrative Reform, E.E. Mangindaan gave away the awards to 11 Ministries/Institutions which had managed to gain the performance accountabily at well level (category B), including The Court.

The evaluation on performance accountability was done with a purpose to boost the increasing quality of performance accountability in all government institutions and to see the commitment of implementing performance-based government management as an effort to reach one of the aim of bureaucratic reform that is the realization of government institutions which were accountable and outcome oriented.
Besides that, the evaluation on performance management coverd a review and an evaluation on the performance planning aspect, performance measurement aspect, performance reporting aspect, internal performance evaluation also output and outcome performance result aspect. The result of the evaluation was put in a report on evaluation result which contained advices and recommendations to the institution being evaluated for a systematic and harmonious improvements.

The conclusion on the evaluation result was put in categories: AA (satisfactory), A (very good), B (good), CC (sufficient), C (a little less) and D (less. The entire result on the evaluation was as follow, B category 11 institutions (13,92%), CC category 39 institutions (49,37%), C category 27 institutions (34,18%) and D category 2 institutions (2,53%)(Nano Tresna A./mh/YDJ) 

Monday, March 07, 2011 | 15:24 WIB 335