The Court Stipulated the Re-voting Results in Manado Municipality

Constitutional Court Justice Muhammad Alim was reading Decision number 144/PHPU.D-VIII/2010 on the Regional Head Election (Pemilukada) of Manado Municipality Year 2010

Jakarta, MKOnline - The Constitutional Court (The Court) stipulated the correct vote acquisition for the contestants in the General Election of Regional Head and Vice Regional Head (Pemilukada) Manado Municipality Year 2010 for the pair of Hanny Joost Pajouw-Anwar Panawar acquiring 70,445 votes. Meanwhile, the Pair of G.S.V. Lumentut-Harley A.B. Mangindaan acquired 93,833 votes. This was the ruling pronounced by The Court’s Deputy Chief Justice Achmad Sodiki accompanied by seven other constitutional court justices on Monday (15/11) in Constitutional Court’s Building. This case was registered with the The Court’s Registry Office under number 144/PHPU.D-VIII/2010 filed by the Pair of Hanny Joost Pajouw-Anwar Panawar.

“The pair of Djeli Wisje Masie-Harry Pontoh acquired 204 votes, the pair of Jackson A.W Kumaat-Helmy Bachdar acquired 1,434 votes. Meanwhile, the pair of Burhanuddin-Jacobus R. Mawuntu acquired 1,092 votes, the pair of Louis Nangoy-Rizali M. Noor acquired 1,329 votes. Meanwhile, the pair of Yongkie Limen-Marieta Ch. Kuntag acquired 12,354 votes, the pair of Wempie W. Frederik-Richard R. Kainage acquired 934 votes and the pair of Marhany V.P Pua-Richard H.M Sualang acquired 8,151 votes,” described Sodiki.

Constitutional Justice Muhammad Alim explained that on Thursday November 4, 2010, The Court opened the follow-up hearing for the case a quo with the agenda of hearing the statement of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Manado Municipality, Statement of KPU North Sulawesi Province, statement of the General Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) of Manado Municipality, and statement of Panwaslu of North Sulawesi Province as well as examining the Minutes of Vote Court Recapitulation in the Re-voting (PSU) of Pemilukada of Manado Municipality by KPU of Manado Municipality on October 25, 2010, the respective results of which had been verified by the Petitioners, the Respondent, and the Related Parties, and the Court had also validated the additional evidence presented by the Petitioners, the Respondent and the Related Parties in the hearing. 

After the Court carefully examined, explained Alim, the report of the Respondent, the report of the General Election Commission of North Sulawesi Province, objection of the Petitioners, denial of the Related Parties, report of the Pemilukada Supervisory Committee of Manado Municipality, and the statement of the Pemilukada Supervisory Committee of North Sulawesi Province, as well as examining additional written evidence of the Petitioners, the Respondent and the Related Parties, the Court did not find any new issues or conditions being presented by the Petitioners and the Related Parties being supported by the additional written evidence which could convince the Court that would significantly affect the vote acquisition results so as to change the vote acquisition ranks of the respective candidate pairs. 

“Therefore, it is no longer necessary for the Court to open another hearing for hearing the statements of witnesses and to further consider the objection of the Petitioners a quo to the re-voting conducted by the Respondent based on the Interlocutory Decision of the Constitutional Court 144/PHPU.D-VIII/2010 dated September 3, 2010. For guaranteeing just legal certainty, the Court had to immediately pass a final decision in the case a quo,” he. (Lulu Anjarsari/mh)

Friday, November 19, 2010 | 07:30 WIB 217