A panel of justices, consisting of Mahfud M.D. (panel chief) and other Constitutional Court justices, on Thursday (Nov. 4) read the final decision in the case of the regional head election in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi province, with case Number 137/PHPU. D-VIII/2010.
Jakarta, MKOnline - The Constitutional Court finally reached a decision in the case of the regional head election in Tomohon City, South Sulawesi, with case Number 137/PHPU.D-VIII/2010, on Thursday afternoon at the Constitutional Court’s plenary courtroom in Jakarta. The panel of justices was composed of Mahfud MD as the panel chief and other justices. The petitioner is candidate pair number 1 Linneke Syennie Watoelangkow, S.Si dan Ir. Jimmy Stefanus Wewengkang.
In the ruling, the Court stipulated the correct number of votes for each pair of candidates for mayoral elections in Tomohon municipality 010, as each ballot box in Tomohon was re-counted, except those in Wailan sub-district, North Tomohon district, under the letter of the General Elections Commission Number 313/KPU/V/2010 dated on May 25, 2010.
“The results indicated that candidate pair number 1—Linneke Syennie Watoelangkow, S.Si and Ir. Jimmy Stefanus Wewengkang—acquired 19,364 votes; candidate pair number 2—Caroll J.A. Senduk, SH and Drs. Agust El. Paat—obtained 11.038 votes; candidate pair number 3—Jefferson S.M. Rumajar, SE and Jimmy F. Eman, SE. Ak—acquired 20,708 suara; and candidate pair number 4—Drs. Jeffry F. Motoh and Drs. Johny P. Mambu, SH. M.Si—obtained 4,318 votes,” Mahfud said.
Furthermore, the Court also set the correct total number of votes recapitulated at all polling stations in Tomohon for each candidate pair running for the 2010 Tomohon mayoral elections, after the implementation of the Constitutional Court Interlocutory Decision Number 137/PHPU.D-VIII/2010 dated on Sept. 2, 2010.
The total number of votes recapitulated for each candidate pair running for the 2010 Tomohon mayoral elections, after the implementation of the Constitutional Court Interlocutory Decision (see above), are as follows: candidate pair number 1—Linneke Syennie Watoelangkow, S. Si and Ir. Jimmy Stephen Wewengkang—acquired 20,390 votes; candidate pair number 2—Carroll JA Senduk, SH, and Drs. August El. Paat – acquired 11,042 votes; candidate pair Number 3—Jefferson BC Rumajar, SE and Jimmy F. Emanuel, SE. Ak—obtained 21 515 votes; and candidate pair Number 4—Drs. Jeffrey F. Motoh and Drs. Johnny P. Mambu, SH. M—obtained 4,319 votes.
"Therefore the Court ordered the Tomohon Election Commission to implement this decision," Mahfud decided as ordered by the Consultative Meeting of Justices that was composed of seven justices of the Constitutional Court. (Nano Tresna A./yg)
Monday, November 08, 2010 | 10:14 WIB 252