
Dr. Harald Muller, senior researcher at Max Planck Institut receiving the visit of Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva to Max Planck Institut at the guest room of Max Planck Institut Library (01/10/2010) in Heidelberg, Germany.

Jakarta, MKOnline - Max Planck Institut is a nonprofit institution/organization engaging in the field of research which was established on February 26, 1948, replacing the Kaiser Wilhelm Society which was established in 1911. The main objective of Max Planck Institut is to promote research and perform basic research for the interest of general public in natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities. Various topics in natural sciences and humanities in Max Planck Institut complemented the works done by universities and other research facilities in fields of research worldwide.

This was stated by Dr. Harald Muller, a senior researcher at Max Planck Institut when receiving the visit of Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva to Max Planck Institut at the guest room of Max Planck Institut Library (01/10/2010) in Heidelberg, Germany.

According to Muller, as a research institution, Max Planck Institut currently has  the most complete reference, including nearly all languages in the world, particularly in the field of law, Max Planck Institut have conducted many global research, usually in cooperation with various Universities in various countries worldwide.

Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva, revealed that references and researches are inseparable parts for Constitutional Justices in deciding a case.  Therefore Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva admitted that they would be very pleased if all references and results of researches conducted by Max Planck Institut are accessible through the internet. This would give Constitutional Justices in Indonesia more references deciding a caseso as to improve the quality of the Court’s decisions.

Furthermore, Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva said that it would very likely that one day the Constitutional Court will establish cooperation with Max Planck Institut in conducting researches, particularly those related to actual issues which exist under the Court’s authority.

During the visit, Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and Constitutional Justice Hamdan Zoelva were given the opportunity to take a look at various legal references and results of researches which are available in various languages as well as to read old and rare books, printed in 1890 until 1900. (Hani Adhani)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 | 07:34 WIB 321