âPluralism is commonly defined as a framework of interaction where each group shows mutual respect and tolerance, interacts without conflict or assimilationâ said the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh Mahfud MD as a source person at the 56th Dies Natalies of Medan Nommensen HKBP University, Thursday (10/7)
Jakarta, MKOnline – In between the hearings of Dispute on the Result of the Regional Head Election, on Thursday, 7 October 2010, the Chief Justice of Constitutional Court, Prof. Moh. Mahfud MD., attended and became the source person at the 56th Dies Natalies of Medan Nommensen HKBP University which was attended by 1300 students, Rector, civitas academica of Nommensen HKBP University as well as local officials.
In his scientific oration titled “PLURALISM FROM CONSTITUTIONAL ASPECT” Mahfud said: Pluralism is commonly defined as a framework of interaction where each group shows mutual respect and tolerance, interacts without conflict or assimilation. In other words, pluralism is the attitude of respecting the complexity in communities and as a nation as well as realizing it as a certainty in reality.
In the words of Nurcholis Madjid, pluralism is referred to as a genuine engagement of diversities within the bounds of civility. Furthermore, if understood correctly, pluralism actually promises a comfortable space for us to respect our differences as one of the basic entities of a person’s humanity. Thus pluralism should not be positioned as a threat but as strength in national activities toward the goals and purposes of Indonesia as a state.
The 1945 Constitution as the national constitution, not only serves as political constitution, but also as social and economical constitution. This means that the 1945 Constitution and all the norms designed by the founding people and those amending the Constitution do not only regulate the political life but also the social and economic life. Therefore, the 1945 Constitution consisting of the Preamble and articles should be used by the state and the public as reference. For the state, constitution is a social contract between the authority and the people who have given the mandate to regulate the life as a state and as a nation. For the public, constitution serves as a reference in taking actions and their conduct in every activity as a community, a state and a nation.
Constitution in this regard is the collective guidance for all the nation’s components in living a life as a community, a state and a nation. Constitution binds as a collective guidance because it is made based on collective agreement of the nation’s entire components.
Based on historical facts, pluralism is the starting point for the establishment of the state of Indonesia which by the founding people then explicitly adopted when formulating the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, the 1945 Constitution is none other than the convergence pillar or the central point of this nation’s diversity.
From the Constitutional aspect, the pluralism belief held by this state has a special place and this is specifically affirmed in phrases such as the state “acknowledges”, “preserves”, “honors”, “guarantees”, and gives “protection” to the Indonesian national diversity. This is clearly evident in Article 18, Article 28, and Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, from the constitutional aspect we need to understand the existing plurality by positioning differences as natural tendency. We live not only in diversity but also in unity hence pluralism is needed to create a comfortable life with others in the atmosphere of differences.
We must realize that pluralism as adopted by the Constitution, promises a comfortable space for us to respect our differences as one of the basic entities of a person’s humanity. Therefore, it is no longer the time to place position pluralism as a threat. It is now the time to position it as the spirit and strength in activities as a nation toward the goals and purposes of Indonesia as a state. (Edhoy)
Friday, October 08, 2010 | 09:55 WIB 328