Honorary Council (BK) of Payakumbuh City DPRD Visits MK

Constitutional Court Justice Muhammad Alim and Vice Chairperson of Payakumbuh City DPRD Aji Sudirman during the visit of the Honorary Council of Payakumbuh City DPRD to the Constitutional Court (30/9)

Jakarta, MKOnline – The Honorary Council (Badan Kehormatan-BK) of Regional House of Representatives of Payakumbuh City (DPRD Payakumbuh) visited the Constitutional Court (The Court) on Thursday (30/9) morning. They were received by Constitutional Court Justice Muhammad Alim in the meeting room on 11th floor of the Court’s Building, Jakarta.

Present at the meeting were Vice Speaker of DPRD Payakumbuh Aji Sudirman; Speaker of BK of DPRD Payakumbuh, Marhidayandi; Vice Chairperson of the BK, Erlindawati; Member of the BK, Marnizul as well as a person from the DPRD Payakumbuh secretariat, Darmawansyah.

The visit was intended for consulting several issues related to the implementation of laws at the regional level. “We want to discuss with or request for directives as the honorary council of DPRD Payakumbuh to supplement or assist us with our understanding of the implementation of several laws. One of the laws is Law Number 27 Year 2009 as well as Government Regulation Number 16 Year 2010,” said Marhidayandi. “We still have doubts and different views in relation to the implementation of our tasks,” he continued.

According to Alim, in his explanation, in relation to the issue of implementation of Laws as well as Government Regulations, it was not the authority of the Court to handle. He believed that any legal problem related to the implementation of laws would be settled at the court of general jurisdiction level. “At most it will be settled by the Supreme Court” said Alim.

On that occasion, Alim also explained the authority as well as obligations of the Court. “The Court has four authorities and one obligation,” he said while reading directly from the 1945 Constitution he was holding in his hands at that time.

The discussion was continued with discussing several issues related to the performance of authorities and obligation of the Court so far. “The Court possesses such authorities for carrying out checks and balances among other branches of power,” concluded Alim. (Dodi/Koen)

Thursday, September 30, 2010 | 14:43 WIB 386