Some The Courtâs PR publication material and the PR Media Award 2009 won by the Court.
Yogyakarta, MKOnline – The Constitutional Court (The Court) achieved PR Media Award 2009 in a National Gathering of Government PR Coordinating Body (Bakohumas) 2009 in Yogyakarta, Wednesday (28/10). The Award was given to the Court after winning third place in the publication of State Departments and Institutions Profile book category also being the fourth in the State Departments and Institutions Website category. The event was attended by all PR Bureau of State Institutions and Departments, Regional Governments, State Enterprises, also State Universities.As the host, Governor of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hemengku Buwono X mentioned that building good image and reputation was not an easy task to do. Continuous efforts had to be built with single steps. On contrary, to ruin the good image that had been built was easy and could happen in a short period of time.
Continuing his speech, The Sultan also said that building good image and reputation was a big load of work for the Government to do both internally and externally. “Government PR under Bakohumas, at the moment is not merely doing their function to communicate the implementation of government’s tasks and providing service to public. Most importantly, how to make their communicative function runs comprehensively and with good quality,” he reminded.
Improved Quality
The gathering and PR Media Award giveaway is an annual event held by Department of Communication and Informatics. In the era of open information and advanced technology, the role of PR division in providing service to public has become a necessity to welcome the implementation of Act on Open Public Information in year 2010.
The PR Media Award 2009 is the fourth in its history. The awards are the highest appreciation in PR field on the hard work as the peak of the performance throughout the year in providing public relation service. The judges for the 2009 PR Awards are, Eni SW a government PR practitioner, Lukman Lutfi media consultant practitioner, Dr. Gunawan Khalik a lecturer in Magister Management of the University of Indonesia and Teguh Prasetya as a mass media practitioner.
The board of judges considered that the quality of PR products is increasing, despite the lack in technical side such as the writings and pictures. Many considered that the most important part is the content that we could put aside the technical problems.
“After observing the entire PR products from the participants both printed and electronic, the ones come up with good quality usually use a consultant. Still, for the self-managed ones should not be left behind and have to be better,” remarked Teguh Prasetya.
More than just that, the judges also noticed that the contestants were still focusing on the institution and their leaders, only a few managed to communicate and introduce themselves to the public who read the products. “An interactive relationship has to be built up so that there will be two sides, the public and the institution. Then it will be communicative,” added Teguh.
Following are the award-winning in 2009 PR Media giveaway.
Yearly Report for Departments and State Institutions Category, first winner goes to Department of Health, Second place winner is Department of Industry, and third winner is Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation. For Regional Governments, there is no first winner, Second place winner is Government of Gresik Regency, third place winner is Government of Probolinggo City. For State Enterprises, first winner goes to Sriwijaya Fertilizer Co., second place winner is for Garuda Indonesia Co., and third rank is achieved by Angkasa Pura II Co. Meanwhile for State Universities, first winner is grabbed by The Open University, Second place is the Syarif Hidayatullah National Islamic University, and the third winner is Surabaya State University.
In profile category for State Institutions and Departments, first winner is reached by Department of Commerce, second winner is Bapertarum, and the third winner goes to the Constitutional Court (MK). For State Enterprises, first winner goes to Askes Indonesia Co., second place winner is Jamsostek Co., and in the third place there is Jasindo Co. For Regional Government, in the first rank there is Government of West Kutai Regency, second winner is for Government of Cimahi City, and the third winner is reached by Government of Samarinda City. For State Universities, first winner goes to Airlangga University Surabaya, second winner is the Open University, and third winner goes to Hasanuddin University Makasar.
In Website Category for State Institutions and Departments, first winner is achieved by National Narcotics Body (BNN), second is Bank Indonesia, and in the third place there is Indonesia Red Cross (PMI), fourth winner goes for the Constitutional Court (MK), the fifth place is for Department of Law and Human Rights. For Regional Governments, first winner is for Government of Yogyakarta City, second winner goes to Government of Kutai Kartanegara City, sitting in the fourth rank there is Government of Musi Rawas Regency, and in the fifth place there is Government of Palopo City. For State Enterprises, first winner is for Bank Mandiri, second is Angkasa Pura II Co., third winner is BRI, fourth position is for Jamkesmas, fifth place belongs to Pertamina Co. For State Universities, first winner is for Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), second place goes to University of Indonesia (UI), and third place is won by Brawijaya University Malang, in the fourth place is Bandung Polytechnics, fifth place is for Denpasar State Institute.
In main merchandise or souvenir representing institution category for State Institutions and Departments, first rank winner is for Department of Forestry, second winner is for State Ministry of Environment, third place is for The Agency for the Assessment and Application Technology (BPPT). For Regional Government, first winner is Government of Semarang City, second winner is Government of West Kutai Regency, and the third winner goes to Government of Cimahi City. For State Enterprises, first winner is won by PLN Co., second place is Askes Co., and in the third place there is Telkom Indonesia Co. for State Universities, first winner is Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), second winner is The Open University, and third winner is Airlangga University Surabaya.
In the internal publication category for State Institutions and Departments, first winner is for Department of Industry, second winner is for Department of Transportation, third place winner is the Information Section of Indonesian Airforce (Dinas Penerangan TNI AU). For Regional Government, first winner is for Government of South Sumatra Province, second winner is Government of Rembang Regency, and in the third rank there is Government of Pagaralam City. For State Enterprises level, first winner is for Bank Mandiri, second place is for Indonesia State Gas Company, and third rank is won by BNI. Whereas for State Universities, first winner is reached by Hasanuddin University, second winner is ITS, and Yogyakarta State University reached the third place. (Heru S/RNB Aji/YDJ tr.)
Monday, November 02, 2009 | 14:27 WIB 383