General Secretariat and Registrar of the Constitutional Court in collaboration with Forum Konstitusi (Constitution Forum) held âââ¬Ã
âLomba Debat Konstitusiâââ¬Ã (a Debate Competition on Constitution), Tuesday to Thursday (16-18/12) at the Constitutional Court Building. This competition was a part of the events in Pekan Konstitusi (Constitution Week) held from Dec. 16 until Dec. 23, 2008 to commemorate a decade of constitutional reform in Indonesia.
In the competition, 24 contestants from universities all over Indonesia were struggling to win the Chief Justice Trophy. Several themes to be debated among others were âââ¬Ã
âDeath Penalty in Indonesiaâââ¬Ã
â, âââ¬Ã
âEradication of Parliament s Rights on Survey and Interpelationâââ¬Ã
â, âââ¬Ã
â30 percent quota for Female Legislator Candidateâââ¬Ã
â, âââ¬Ã
âImplementation of Jinayah (Islamic Criminal Law) in Indonesiaâââ¬Ã
â, and the âââ¬Ã
âadmittance of Gay and Lesbian Rights in Indonesiaâââ¬Ã
â. Several famous figures participated as the Board of Adjudicators, among others, Teten Masduki from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Special Staff to President in Legal Affairs, Denny Indrayana, and Hasrul Halili from Indonesia Moot Court Monitoring (IMCM).
According to the schedule, the Final Round for the Competition would be held in the Constitutional Court Main Room, Thursday (18/12). At the same day, the Court would also officially launch the operation of video conference technology as a long distant court facility by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh.Mahfud MD. (Kencana Suluh Hikmah)
Photo: Doc. MK PR/Andhini SF
Translated By Yogi Djatnika / MK
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | 16:01 WIB 405