
Jakarta, Kompas – The aim of having mass media freedom is questioned. 10 years after the reformation, press that should have played the role as one of the pillars of democratic enforcement grows weaker in function. That is indicated by some deviation, starting from unbalance information until media unprofessional attitude.

That was revealed in the national press gathering with the theme “Maintaining Fighting Spirit of National Press in Globalization Era” at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Thursday (28/8). The gathering was held by the Central Management of Indonesian Journalist Union with some speakers, among others, are General Chairman of Kompas newspaper Jakob Oetama, Chairman of Jawa Pos Group Dahlan Iskan, expert of politic communication Tjipta Lesmana, military observer Kiki Syahnakri, and media observer Suradi.

Tjipta Lesmana saw that nowadays press tended to lose their criticism towards the government. ”The real problem was the domestic loan in form of State Bond that reached 4, 400 trillion rupiahs. Where is our press? Why don’t they criticize that?” he wondered.

He also gave attention to the lack of independency of the mass media. Sometimes the reportage or broadcasting by press tended to be bias. In fact, he also found a proverb that pictured this situation, “do not bite the hand that feeds you”.

According to Jakob Oetama, the theory of freedom from is the one that mostly followed by today’s press. That was indicated by the need from the press to be free from anything. The spirit of ‘freedom from’ was something natural in the joyous feeling after the end of the New Order. Still, he admitted that there was an annoying gap.

”After the press get their freedom, the next question is what is the freedom that we get at the moment for?” said Jakob.

Development does happen and that makes the readers and audiences cleverer. Because of that, mass media should not only put entertainment, but also give something with high quality, provides alternatives, also enrich the people in one side. Entertainment is not everything. “Something with good quality and good in selling can be contradicted. Best selling does not mean the quality is good and vice versa,” explained Jakob.

The information given is not merely informed, but it is also framed. The frame becomes the struggle of Indonesia.

Dahlan Iskan added, struggling should not have only done by the press. People, even political parties played a role in the struggling to reach the maturity of democracy. (nit)

Sumber (29/08/08)
Foto Dokumentasi Humas MK

Friday, August 29, 2008 | 10:46 WIB 332