
Counting down to 2009 that was considered getting hotter by the General and Regional Election, all aspects whether mass organizations or political parties also other people’s institution shared the responsibility to socialize information and building the awareness on the importance of constitutional values agreed on.

That was said by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshidiqqie, in the Seminar  ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã…“Membangun Masyarakat Sadar Konstitusi” (Building Constitutional Aware People) held by the Golkar party, Tuesday (8/7), in Jakarta.

As one of the speakers, Jimly brought up the issue of the importance of socializing constitution so that Indonesia could be the leading constitution again. Because of that, on that occasion, Jimly introduced the Constitutional Court as the institution functioning as the guardian of the constitution with additional task of settling dispute over the result of the regional election. “Especially concerning the regional election, after October 2009, the authority to settle the result will be on the Court’s hand,” he said.

The dispute in General Election was a speedy trial case. In the dispute concerning political race, continued Jimly, the most important thing was the law certainty and the strictness about the time limit. Therefore, the dispute cases were only given 30 days. “Every people who wish to file a case concerning the result of the election has to prepare all files needed completely before bringing the case before court,” advised Jimly.

In the future, the Court would be able to accommodate the cases to be examined and trialed in long distant by using teleconference devices. “People who live in remote areas do not have to bother coming to Jakarta just to attend the trial in the Constitutional Court,” explained Jimly. (Andhini Sayu Fauzia/Indria Putri/Adiar Adrianto translated by Yogi Djatnika)


Wednesday, July 09, 2008 | 16:17 WIB 308