Insult Articles in Criminal Code, should be erased, Head of Independent Journalist Alliance (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI)) Heru Hendratmoko, stated in his explanation as the Expert of Criminal Code trial ,in the Constitutional Court Building (Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK)), Jakarta, Tuesday (06/24).
The Petitioners of this case were two journalists, Risang Bima Wijaya (Radar Yogya) and Bersihar Lubis (penulis Harian Umum Tempo), after they had been sued by insult Articles for their articles.
Heru Hendratmoko, stated, that the presence of insult Articles, set the journalist as a party who should always be ready to be investigated like a "criminal"
"The application of the Articles, even, makes the journalist only have a small chance to be free,âââ¬Ã he stated in the session lead by MKs Chief Justice, Jimly Asshiddiqie.
He also stated that the presence of the Articles in Criminal Code had injured our state which had given the citizens freedom to express their though. He also mentioned, the journalist could not be sued till there is a new mechanism for journalist.
"The Articles might not strike the journalist as long as in the domain of public interest. The journalist should be protected," Heru stated.
He said, if it would keep on striking the journalist, it means they fought democracy as well as the freedom to express though and to talk.
"If the articles being kept, it means the state has been injured, âââ¬Ã he stated.
Meanwhile, a member of team of Criminal Code revision, Muzakkir, said that the criminal law valid for everyone, included press. (Ant)
Picture: MKRIs Doc.
Translator: Kencana Suluh Hikmah (MKRI)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 | 07:56 WIB 358