Political scientist Professor Ersin KalaycÃâñoÃâÃ
¸lu said: "With its decision on the headscarf, the constitutional court has audited the unchangeable articles of the constitutional law. It seems that the court has done this as an indispensable part of its own audit."
The constitutional court s annulment of the decision on freedom of headscarf wearing at universities caused a big debate. Referring to the decision of annulment being political or not, KalaycÃâñoÃâÃ
¸lu said: "the court has become a political actor. The content of the decision is political. Actually the court functions as protecting the political regime within the framework of law. Sometimes, the beginning and end of the political line is lost in that kind of investigation. The constitutional court has referred to the fourth article adjusting that the first three articles of the constitution may not be changed. With this decision, it audited that these articles may not be changed. Such a task is not included in the article 148 of the constitutional law. The constitutional law has a gap about the bodies in charge of auditing the actions within the scope of the article 148. The constitutional court has filled this gap itself."
Source : http://english.sabah.com.tr/A8C5C32B24AF483689DDD35469F6DBB3.html
Photo : http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/pictures/ambulance.gif
Monday, June 09, 2008 | 15:15 WIB 355