
JAKARTA(SINDO) –Commission II of Lawmakers mentioned their support on evaluation and revision steps of state organs and commissions. 


Moreover, Commission II confessed that they had told the Government about it. Vice Head of Commission II of the Lawmakers Idrus Marham said that they had called State Secretary Minister ( Menteri Sekretaris Negara (Mensesneg)) Hatta Rajasa as Government for revising the function of some commissions and non-structural state organs.

“About the revision and evaluation, actually we had told the State Secretary Minister about it in our working meeting. He promised to evaluate it”, Idrus said in Jakarta, yesterday.

He stated, the reason why many state commission had not operated maximally had not been known. So that, Idrus disagreed on making the raise of budget which was used to finance the commission as the only reason to decrease the presence of the state commissions.  

“We have to know what actually the problem is. Is it the fault of the organs, or is it malfunction, or is it the personal faults? Cause there are many commissions which is well-operate  so that the raising up of their budget would not considered as a problem”, He explained.

On the Government planning to make some new commissions, such as Commission on information and Commission on protecting the witness and the victim, Idrus asked the Government not to be hastily. He said, the Government should evaluate its entire. “So when the adding of commissions done, it will be effective ”, he stated.

Before it, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie mentioned that the wide-spreading of the state commissions should be revised. He said, nowadays we needed a new mechanism to form a new organs or commission. It is needed to arrange the state organs and commissions which presence after Reformation era.

The same opinion also said by the expert of administration law Gadjah Mada University Denny Indrayana. He said, the arrangement on the commissions was very necessary to arrange the malfunction of some state commissions. “In this country, there are so many overlapping on the commission authorities. It will cause the ineffective work“, He explained.

So that, he added, the merging of some commissions which had the same function and authority was necessary. As a result, beside reducing the presence of the commissions, it could also make budget efficiency. “The existence of Commission on Children Protection (Komisi Perlindungan Anak) and National Commission on Woman (Komnas Perempuan) actually can be merged with the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM). About the work distribution, the division can distribute it”, He explained.
In other location, 5 state commissions consisted of Commission on Corruption Extermination (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)), Judicial Commission (Komisi Yudisial (KY)),National Police Commission (Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (Kompolnas)),Prosecution Commission (Komisi Kejaksaan (Komjak)), and National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) held a meeting to prevent and exterminate the corruption, yesterday.

“It is a follow-up meeting after our meeting in KPK. Its aim is to bring our country to a better future on bureaucracy and to release the corruption,” Head of KY Busyro Muqoddas said . (rahmat sahid)

Source: (10/04/08)

Photo: :,0216,01.htm

Translation: Kencana Suluh Hikmah (MKRI)

Thursday, April 10, 2008 | 08:13 WIB 310