
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie, considered the appearance of new organs, bodies, or commission nowadays was just springing up like mushroom after a rainstorm. Since it was uncontrolled, Jimly called for the establishment mechanism. "Today, each sector set it” Jimly said in the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Tuesday.

He described that the organs establishing phenomena was also happened in other country, especially after reformation, and globalization era which established new organs who its aim was consolidation and efficiency.

However, He added, if it was uncontrolled, the presence of the new organs could be inefficient and could increase the budget more and more. "Some of the organs and the commissions are not reliable”, He said.

In that situation, he said, it was necessary to think about the future of the presence of the organs and the commissions.

Some formation of an organ or a commission based on 1945 Constitution, and on Presidential Regulation. For example, the presence of Indonesian Youth National Committee (Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI)), Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kamar Dagang Indonesia (Kadin)) and Indonesian Sport National Commission dan Komisi Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI), their presence were protected by Act.

In another occasion, a member of the Presidential Consideration Council (Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden (Wantimpres)) Adnan Buyung Nasution advised the Constitutional Justice not to always come from the legal degree. People who had capacity as a stateman had more ability than a man who come has legal degree.

If we refer to another country, He said, the Constitutional Justice were not always come from the legal degree. "For example, when we lead Constitution Assembly Committee (Majelis Konstituante), indeed the Head come from the legal degree, Wiroko, but Mr. Prawoto as the Vice Head was not a law graduate," He explained.

Nevertheless, Buyung  admitted it would be so hard to do since the Act who arrange the recruitment of Constitutional Justice recruitment would be restricted by the legal degree term. 

He also hope the next Constitutional Justice would give a chance for woman. Because, Buyung added, There were so many women in Indonesia who were capable to be the Constitutional Justice.

Meanwhile, Citizen Alliance for the Constitutional Court (Aliansi Masyarakat untuk Mahkamah Konstitusi /AMUK MK)) insisted the candidates for the Constitutional Justice to understand human rights perspective. 
Beside that, Firmansyah Arifin from AMUK MK also told the Government to take care about the woman presence in the Constitutional Justice selection.

He also advised the Constitutional Justice selection to be done transparently, participative, and easy to know by the public. There must be an obvious parameter to consider the proper of the Constitutional Justice candidates," He stated. (Wilmar P/Sugandi)

Source: www.suarakarya-online.com
Photo: Doc. MKRI.
Translation: Kencana Suluh Hikmah (MKRI)


Thursday, April 10, 2008 | 13:11 WIB 328