Jakarta (Jurnal Nasional) ââ¬â Responding to the return of investigation file about Human Rights to the National Commission for Human Rights by the Attorney Government Office, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie emphasized that the verdict from the court to be carried out consequently, because it had clearly divided the role and functions of Parliament, Attorney General Office, and National Commission on Human Rights.
"In the verdict it has been clear, that the word suspicion is no longer used. And what is regulated in the verdict is that the Parliament, so that it is not related to suspecting activities anymore like before that had been wrongly interpreted as if it joined the legal process. Therefore the verdict does not touch the Attorney General Office or the National Commission on Human Rights. Because it only talks about the Parliament."
He did not want to comment on the return of the National Commission on Human Rights investigation file by the Attorney General Office. "We are not allowed to comment anymore because the verdict is final. Just carry out. Whatever happened at the moment is out of the Constitutional Court business."
When asked whether or not the Attorney General Office carried out the verdict explaining that investigator to follow up the investigation of the Commission, Jimly suggested that the question to be asked to the Attorney General Office. "Because the verdict has been clear so that no more irresponsible parties. That is why do not asked me. People are grownups, they can read the verdict. Just read the verdict," he said. (Siagian Priska Cesillia)
Source www.jurnalnasional.com (04/04/08)
Photo property of the Constitutional Court
Translated by Yogi Djatnika (MKRI)
Friday, April 04, 2008 | 08:32 WIB 331