
By: H. Achmad Roestandi


How will my heart not extort?

To bid farewell to the Constitutional Court

Because here, in this institution

My Trias Politica completed as a person

I have done the all three functions

Head of Indonesian Army Fraction  in the Parliament as my legislative function

High Rank Officer in Army as my executive  function

And, as a Constitution Justice is my judicative function


Here in this institution

I am the oldest man to be

Written in gold in history

Leading first meeting in the institution

For the Chief and Vice Chief election


Here in this institution

I carved my greatest achievement

That lies deep so many years in my imagination

I am the first winner in Badminton tournament

I won it fairly without money politics, only using eminent techniques and strategy precision

I have become the forever champion

That is impossible to be defeated

Because, when I am retired, I have decided no more competition to be participated

I am the true Champion, I AM the true Champion

Though with the cup I bought with my intention


Here, in this institution

I have marked my self actualization

To strengthen the goodwill relation

And urging ability improvement, willingness, timidity and good cooperation

In other words, improving professionalism, morality, cohesiveness and motivation

Which are the key success to make happen visions and missions


Here, we are together in meeting and discussions

Have hot debates on argumentations

To reach agreement in unity

As we also keep the verdict quality


Sometimes it was heard hard and loud voiced

Sometimes we banged the table so colleagues were convinced

But still clinging tight the ethics of academicians

And the wisdom of fellow Statesman

In guarding Constitution, justice and law enforcement


And had our opinions be not put in content

Never caused stress or made our hearts not content

Because we can make any reasons

In great space for dissenting opinions


Here, I introduced unique style for handshaking

Hand swinging met as other hands were swinging

Ended with the sound ”plok” at the end of the clapping

This style symbolizes equality

Accompanied by some heartily touch

As spirit to spirit from one another also touch

Producing togetherness and unity

So that the Constitutional Court visions and mission come to reality


Here, in Badminton court we met

So that physical fitness be set

Here, in recital forum we met

So the “akhlakul karimah” and spiritual cleanliness be kept

Here, in the choir we are together

To improve attitude and make our soul sensitivity be better


Here, in this state institution

I once produced my creation

To understand and to live the aim of the organization

Spirited up hard work enthusiasm, optimizing performance in unity framework

Mixing the corsa spirit with pride

To the institution where we serve our work

All is recorded in ”Mars Mahkamah Konstitusi”


My fellow counterparts, it is so sad to be apart

From the togetherness atmosphere in goodwill it is bound

But the cure to my sadness I have found

To see me and my replacement have so much in common

Pak Mahfud MD was also a complete Trias Politica executor

Once a Member of Parliament to do his legislative function

As a minister he once to fulfill his executive function

Now his judicative task as a Justice of the Constitution

One more between Pak Mahfud and I have cultural similarity

Based on the latest research

It can be concluded unexpectedly

That only 15 % of the people is Islam in Madura

The rest, 85% of Madura people is NU

Pak Mahfud is of course from Madura

Pak Mahfud is absolutely NU


Meanwhile my religion is not only N U but N O

The lifer of Nahdatul Ulama tradition with letters ‘oe’, to replace ‘u’ long time ago

With the so many similarities

I hope my replacement is willing to notice

And continue what he considers as good entities


My friend,

We may seem to separate physically

But spiritually

Our bound will never be broken

Let’s make the relationship strengthen

Let’s make the relationship lengthen

In every word that we say, every time we finish our pray

And to God Almighty each of us should pray

To send His ‘maghfirah’ today,

In this world and after, we wish happiness will stay


Allohumaghfir lil muminiina wal mu’minat

Wal muslimiina wal muslimaat

Robbana athina fi dunya hasanah

Wa fil akhiroti hasanah

Wa qina adzaban nar


Billahi taufik wal hidayah

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wbr.

Thursday, April 03, 2008 | 11:42 WIB 349