
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Jimly Asshiddiqie, joined the fit and proper test process for the constitutional court justice candidate for the 2008-2013 period conducted by Commission III od the House of the Representatives, Friday (14/3), at the Commission III working room. Besides Jimly, Ronny Sautma Hotma Bako, S.H., M.H also presented as a participant in the test.
In the test today, answering the question from Trimedya Pandjaitan regarding his willingness to hold again as a constitution justice, Jimly said that he was still willing.  Jimly also sent his gratitude because the Parliament had allowed himself to join the fit and proper test. "So, I don’t take the ‘toll road’ and the Parliament is not being discriminative towards the other candidates," said Jimly.  
Besides that, Jimly also said his gratitude to the Parliament for allowing him to suspend the test. He also said that the delay needed to be done for the continuation of the Constitutional Court trials. Alongside with Article 28 Paragraph (1) of Act on Constitutional Court that required the continuation of the Plenary Trial had to be attended with the minimum of seven constitution justices, Jimly could not possibly join the fit and proper test on Wednesday (12/3) as previously scheduled. Considering that Justice Harjono was non-active from his position while Justice Natabaya was in Europe, Jimly had to attend the trial to reach the minimum attendance of the seven justices.
It is planned that this afternoon Commission III of the House are going to hold a meeting to decide the chosen candidates for the Constitution Justices. Also it is expected that the names can be announced late this afternoon. (Kencana Suluh Hikmah / Yogi Djatnika)

Friday, March 14, 2008 | 14:27 WIB 330