Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, welcomed the visit from Muhammadiyah Student Association Board of Leaders delegates (IMM), Wednesday (12/3), at the Delegation Room 15th floor of the Constitutional Court Building. In the meeting, Jimly reminded the students from Muhammadiyah Universities to have the courage to be critical.
"For young people to be a little naughty is alright. But, naughty in terms of critical,ââ¬Â said Jimly. As future leaders, he continued, students should have the courage to express their opinions, not only internally but also in public. This is needed to develop their sense of leadership.
"As leaders, someday the students will have the duty to build peopleââ¬â¢s perception on whatever they are leading. Because of that, they should learn to have the courage to express their oipinion,ââ¬Â added Jimly.
In that opportunity the students also invited Jimly to be a speaker about the development of Indonesian constitution post reformation in the XIII Assembly meeting of IMM which were going to be held in May. (Kencana Suluh Hikmah / Yogi Djatnika)
Thursday, March 13, 2008 | 08:43 WIB 386