Relation among society was insisted to understand the law system of each country. The
publishing could be a bridge to connect between countries. So that, the foreign publishing
supposed not only to publish the foreign books, but also to translate Indonesian law books
to English.
It was the advise of The Head of Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, when he opened The
Legal Event of The Year 2008, Wednesday (3/12),in Jakarta.
Jimly added, one of important character of law is used as information. There was also a
possibility, as information, law could be understood by the people who came from non-law
discipline. As example, there were alot legislations came into cyber world so it could be
known and controled by anyone, whether he came from the law discipline or not. ââ¬ÅNext, law
academicians can compete with non-law academician. Even the people from vocational school
can also understand the law and compete with the law academicians who dont understand
technology," Jimly explained.
Jimly also advised to let Indonesian law information to be accessed by everyone. So that,
the publishing also had a big role to make 240 millions Indonesian society ussualy
understand the development of legislations, so that they could be the society who aware law
ââ¬ÅIt is the basic of modern democratic-constitutional country, because all citizens know the
law,ââ¬Â Jimly said. (Wiwik Budi Wasito/ Kencana Suluh Hikmah)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 | 13:03 WIB 383