The Constitutional Court conducted a quick Panel Court today, Monday (3/3). The trial for case No. 5/PUU-VI/2008 chaired by Constitution Court H.A.S. Natabaya, a couple of minutes after opened, immediately closed.
The trial was actually scheduled to examine the revision of the petition for the trial on Article 77 letter a and Article 83 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Act No. 8 Year 1981 on Penal Code Law (KUHAP) filed by Soeparno. Nevertheless, Soeparno without any assistance from a legal counsel, could not attend the trial. In the trial, it was revealed that a moment before the trial begun, the Petitioner sent a faximile to the Registrar of the Constitutional Court containing a statement for case withdrawal.
Even though so, Justice Natabaya in the trial stated that the faximile was not signed, therefore it needed to be re-confirmed to the Petitioner. (Luthfi Widagdo Eddyono)
Monday, March 03, 2008 | 12:51 WIB 289