Consultative Meeting of Commission III and The Constitutional Court

Commission III of the House of Representatives held a consultative meeting withe the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (23/1) in the Constitution Court Building, at Medan Merdeka Barat street, Jakarta. The meeting was attended by Chairman of Commission III Trimedya Pandjaitan (Indonesian Democratic of Struggle Fraction) also members of the Commission, among others Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin (Development Union Fraction), Mahfud MD. (Nation Awakening Fraction), H.M. Akil Mochtar (Golkar Fraction), M. Nasir Jamil (Justice and Prosperous Fraction). The presence of those Chairmen and members of the Commission III was welcomed by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie, Vice Chief Justice H.M. Laica Marzuki, and the Constitutional Justice H. Achmad Roestandi, and escorting the Constitution Justices were the General Secretary of the Constitutional Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar.

In the press conference after the meeting, the Chairman of the House’s Commission III, Trimedya Pandjaitan, said that the consultative meeting closed to media were scheduled to discuss the preparation for the changing of the Constitution Justices. As we know, the service of the Constitution Justices of the 2003-2008 periode would end in August 15, 2008. Hoewever, before that time, three Constitution Justice would end their service earlier because they were entering their retirement periode. One of them was Constitution Justice H. Achmad Roestandi (67 years old) who would ended his duties on March 2, 2008. H. Achmad Roestandi was Constitution Justice proposed by The House. Two others were H.M. Laica Marzuki (retired on May 5, 2008) and Soedarsono (retired on June 5, 2008). Both were proposed by the Supreme Court.

“ We were asking for inputs from the Constitutional Court regarding the process of selection of the new constitution justice,” explained Trimedya. Commission III also, further explained Trimedya, requested inputs from the Constitution Justice related to the plan of revising Act No. 24 Year 2003 on The Court. “to complete what has been done by the Legislation Board of the House,” he added. Furthermore, Trimedya said that through the revision we hoped that the performance of the Constitution Court would be much better.

Meanwhile Vice Chief Justice MK H.M. Laica Marzuki stated that the consultative meeting had become important because the meeting was talking about technical things related to the changing of the Constitution Justices. “We welcome the proactive attitude of the Commission III of the House to follow up the changing of the Constitutional Court Justices. This is important for the continuation of the Constitutional Court,” explained Laica.

The meeting was the last consultative meeting between the Commission III of the House and The Constitutional Court in this periode. “We understand that the Constitutional Court is busy assessing it’s authorities. This is the same thing as the Commission III which is and will be entering the periode of hecticness,” remarked Trimedya as he ended the the press conference. [ardli/Yogi Djatnika]

Friday, January 25, 2008 | 08:59 WIB 313