The Chief of the Constitution Court, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. accompanied by the General Secretary of the Constitution Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar, once more met a delegation of Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace, represented today by DR. BRAy. Mooryati Soedibyo and GPh. Dipokusumo, Rabu (26/12), in Chiefââ¬â¢s Constitution Court Delegation Room.
In the meeting, the representatives made a clarification over the statement of the previous delegation, Dra. GRAy. Koes Murtiyah and Dr. KP. Eddy S Wirabhumi, S.H., M.M., that claimed the lack of government attention towards the existence of the Palace as part of national cultural herritage. ââ¬ÅAnnnually, Central Java Provincial Government and Solo City Government give donation with the total ammount of more than one million to be allocated for the preservation of the Palace and for the external activities held by the Palace.,ââ¬Â explained the Public Relation of Surakarta Palace, KRHT Bambang Pradotonagoro.
The statement, at the same time, also explained that the vanishing of some historical sites of the Palace had no connection with the Government. Furthermore, in relation to the internal conflicts of the Palace, Bambang Pradotonagoro stated that the problems were not merely the royal family conflicts, but the Government were also involved. ââ¬ÅBecause the Palace was one of the elements of Indonesian cultural herritage, therefore the settlement of the conflicts demands an active participation of the government,ââ¬Â he added.
In responding to the aforementioned statement, Jimly said that the Palace was one of the pillars of the Javanese culture. The pillars was a reflection of the cultural integration which was the mainpoint of the culture itself therefore it should be kept integrated. ââ¬ÅThe existing conflicts in the Palace should be settled immediately. There are two possible solutions that are by finding a win-win solution or by taking a forceful action,ââ¬Â noted Jimly.
As the long term efforts, Jimly also advised the Palace to invent a Charter which acted as a Consitution of the Palace and then legalized by a Provincional Regulation (Perda). ââ¬ÅThe Charter will be useful as a guideline if the same conflict emerges again. Hence, the government has taken a part in settling the conflicts within the Palace,ââ¬Â explained Jimly. (Andhini Sayu Fauzia/Kencana Suluh Hikmah/Yogi Djatnika)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 | 15:45 WIB 373