
In the effort of commemorating the merit of the Emergency Government of The Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) lead by Mr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara in defending the State’s sovereignty, the PDRI Circle together with The Constitution Court held a conference on “The Success of PDRI in defending the existence of Republic of Indonesia” and the photograph exhibition in the Constitution Court Hall, Tuesday (18/12). The event ws the follow-up of the President’s Decree No.28 Year 2006 that announced every 19th December as State Defending Day.

In the event, the Chief of the Court, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie,S.H., acting as the Keynote Speaker explained the two significant meaning contained in the Decree. First, as a recognition of the existence of the PDRI as part of the continuation of the Republic of Indonesia. “Second, it is the highlight that the state defending efforts are not only about physical fightings but it also includes the political diplomacies,” explained Jimly.

He also added that the emergence of the decree on State Defending Day was in accordance with the situation showing that Indonesian People indeed still needed to proclaim the state defending spirit. “The concepts of state defending here are not only physical fightings and diplomacies, but it has developed to be the spirit in facing the threat of economic and cultural globalization, something that is very important to do so that we can keep holding on,” he explained.

Besides that, in his speech Jimly also gave a little description on the authorities of the Constitutional Court as a modern and reliable justicial institution and he also delivered his expectation that the big family of PDRI could see the Constitution Court as a familiar and a down-to-earth insitution.

Besides Jimly, the conference was also attended by a famous figure in culture Taufik Ismail, Historical Character Mien Sudarpo and Lieutenant General TNI (purn). Himawan Sutanto, also several Historical Observers and Researchers Prof. Dr. Nina Lubis, DR. Gusti Asnan, and Indra J. Piliang who described the results of their studies and research on the existance of PDRI in the modern era. (Kencana Suluh Hikmah/Yogi Djatnika)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007 | 14:56 WIB 379