
The success of political parties in implementing leadership transition becomes one of the indicators of solidarity and maturity of the political parties in carrying out democratic values. The maturity in politics shall accelerate the process of political institutionalization in the state organization system of Indonesia so that democracy that Indonesia is now trying to follow will further create state stability and will in turn increase people’s welfare.

This is a part of statement conveyed by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (the Court) Jimly Asshiddiqie in his opening lecture in a legislative seminar and workshop activities of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia in front of cadres and functionaries of the National Development Party (PPP) in Jakarta, on Friday (30/11). Chairman of the Central Executive Council of the party (DPP PPP) Suryadharma Ali, the Faction Chairman of PPP at the People’s Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin, the Court Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar and all religious scholars and other legislative members of PPP also attended the opening of the said seminar and workshop.

On the program attended by branch executives of PPP from all around Java and Naggroe Aceh Darussalam, Jimly also advised that the Indonesian Nation has agreed to apply the ideas of democracy in carrying out the State Administration System of Indonesia. Therefore, in order to run well, the agreed-upon system should be continuously maintained and protected. “This goal is that democracy could give benefits to Indonesian people and nation”, he said.

Jimly further advised that Moslems, as the biggest part of Indonesian nation, should not question the compatibility between democracy and Muslim religious values. Islam, according to Jimly, should in fact become the pioneer in implementing democratic values in social life of the community. He gave the Madinah Charter as an example that becomes the agreement of Moslems and other Madinah inhabitants as the product of law born through a democratic process at the time.

“Madinah Charter was the first written social contract in the world that can be compared with the modern constitution as the result of the practice of democratic values. And this already existed in the 6th century when Europe was still in the dark ages” told Jimly. “Therefore PPP as a Muslim Party is expected to be an effective communicator that can bridge the ideas of democracy with Muslim values and as the pioneer of compatible application of democracy and Islam” he said.

The three-day legislative activities of seminar and workshop of the Constitution Court were discussing among others the State Administration of Indonesia following the amendment to the 1945 Constitution and the role of the Constitutional Court in general elections process with all Justices of the Constitutional Court being as well as former members of the Ad Hoc Committee III and Ad Hoc Committee I of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of amendment to the 1945 Constitution. [ardli]

Saturday, December 01, 2007 | 17:55 WIB 273