
The Indonesian Confucianism (Khonghucu) Supreme Council (MATAKIN) paid the Constitutional Court (MK) a visit on Wednesday (24/10). The entourage led by the General Chairman of MATAKIN, Ws. Budi S. Tanuwibowo, was welcomed by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie and the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar, in the Conference Room of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on the 4th Floor, at the Constitutional Court Building at Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 6, Central Jakarta.

In its visit, MATAKIN which constitutes the highest Indonesian Confucianism organization intended to ask for explanation of the Constitutional Court and the Indonesian state administration system. The background of this visit is that MATAKIN has a final commitment to take part in safeguarding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This has also become the direction of MATAKIN in its struggle and in contributing to the nation and the State remains in the Constitutional corridor.

On that occasion, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court explained that Functions and Authorities of the Constitutional Court and the state administration system of the Republic of Indonesia. In his explanation, Jimly Asshiddiqie described that the MK has four authorities, namely adjudicating in the first and the final instance the decision of which is final in nature to review laws against the 1945 Constitution, deciding disputes over authorities of the state institutions the authorities of which are granted by the 1945 Constitution, deciding the dissolution of the political parties and the deciding disputes over the results of the general elections.

“In addition to the above, the MK also has an obligation namely to make a decision on the recommendations of the House of Representatives (DPR) that the President and/or the Vice President is alleged to have violated the law in the form of the state treachery, corruption, bribery, other serious criminal acts or committed indecent actions, and/or no longer meeting the requirements as the President and/or the Vice President as intended in the 1945 Constitution,” Jimly Asshiddiqie explained. (Vien)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 | 16:46 WIB 355