Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, H.M. Laica Marzuki, Constitutional Court Justice, as well as the Secretary General and Registrar of the Constitutional Court gave birthday greetings to all staff of the Constitutional Court after holding a ceremony of the 4th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court, Tuesday (14/8) at the yard of the Constitutional Court Building.
Such greetings were given by all Constitutional Court Justices by shaking hands with all the staff of the Constitutional Court in line at the ceremony field. Such greetings which were also given the Secretary General and Registrar of the Constitutional Court also constituted a form of the Constitutional Court Justices' appreciation of the performance of the staff who have so far given their support for achievements of the Constitutional Court Justices in exercising their authorities.
The Constitutional Court marked its 4th Anniversary by holding a flag ceremony attended by all Constitutional Court Justices and staff. The ceremony was held in the yard of the Constitutional Court Building which had been inaugurated for use the day before by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. During the flag ceremony, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court acted as the Ceremony Inspector.
During the ceremony which took place solemnly, the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court also attached commendatory pins of Satya Lencana Karyasatya to Constitutional Court staff who have dedicated for 10-30 years. [ardli]
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 | 18:09 WIB 345